Success Stories: 2008
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(Her story)
Wow, what a great time in my life to find true love like no other just amazes me. Now being on BlackSingles had become like family to me. I came out of curiosity of this new avenue of dating and stumbled upon the chat room. I just couldn't bring myself to utilize the site of it's intended use. After about 2yrs of being here, I had only dated one person and that was strictly by accident. It was long distance and lasted for over a year. So when that ended, I didn't have any intent or desire to do so again. Well, now comes this man who had stumbled onto BlackSingles because of emails inviting him to join. He took a look and on the very first page there was my picture. He joined just to try and contact me. I started receiving email from him and I thought to myself, poor soul, he doesn't realize that I won't answer him, but oh well (LOL). After about six emails, everything inside of me said you need to answer this guy. He was very sincere and charming without being forward or icky (LOL). Thank God that I listened to myself because that was the beginning of a lifetime of happiness. Stanpatk and I are truly in "Love". I have never had anyone to love me and adore me like he does. He gives of himself so freely. This is the last relationship of our lives. It's been over five months and I'll keep you posted on when our eternity begins.
(His story)
I began a search for "the last relationship of my life", some time ago, when I happened along this site. I soon realized that this requirement would be the test. Some would be intimidated by my quest. Others would intellectually challenge it. Being a simple man, I couldn't comprehend the rhetoric. Then.......she came along. Almost instantly as if it were our purpose, she embraced my passionate search. Knowing exactly what it meant in its simplest form. We fit like a glove. She doesn't have to understand my every need to embody it. She is confident, full of joy, and whole, with or without me. Moreover, she is free. Free to be who she is and who she may need to be.
Not easily impressed, I admire her greatly. She is wonderful, affectionate, intellectual and deep.
My love for her was secured when she made the claim "I'm yo ride or die chick". To her, us not lasting the test of time is not an option.
On this site, 4 days in, we found each other. (Her picture and profile is the reason why I joined). She is what I've been waiting for.........SORRY GUYS, she is now a part of me.
For those still searching, I wish for you humility. It will require that to find quality in what you seek, and what we found..... Thank you BlackSingles!
My name is Harry (Ceriouse) and when I first joined this service, I never even dreamed that dating on line would work for me. Two weeks ago, I met a beautiful young lady from Indiana and my life has not been the same. We talk about six times a day on the phone. Her voice is the first thing I hear every morning and the last every night. I promise to treat her like a Queen each and every day of her life and loving her past the word "love" itself. She is truly the first and the only woman in my life. Thank you Blacksingles, for helping me meet the prettiest woman in the world.
Yours truly,
Harry (Ceriouse)
***Updated 1/19/09***
I met young lady whose username is chosenbygod61 and we are very much in love. I've never in my life felt anything as strong as the love I have for my lady. I first thank God and BlackSingles for making this happen. We are not wasting any time. I'm moving from New York to Evansville, Indiana to marry my Queen. To me, she is the prettiest woman on the planet. So to Tasha and everyone at BlackSingles, thank you, thank you,
thank you...........THIS BOY IS IN LOVE.......
I'm so much in love, I get dizzy when I talk to her on the phone. We are getting married
on April 11th, 2009 in Evansville, Indiana.
Tried the rest, yet BlackSingles was the best!!!
In the beginning of 2008, the Lord had spoken and said that by the end of 2008, my mate would be in place. I would be relocating from the Midwest to the east coast, leaving behind a 20 year abusive relationship. Obeying the voice of God, I first got on this site after being on a few others even E-Harmony and on 12/6/08. On 12/8/08, I received a spark from keepingitreal. I read his profile before I responded and he happened to be on line. We began to chat and the rest is history. We have so much in common, it is amazing. Our core color was blue. We are in the getting to know process and if he doesn't have to work, our first meeting will be New Years Eve. Thank you BlackSingles. Keep up the good work because it is a dream come true to be writing this success story.
To God be the Glory for New Love!
Well, I met an incredible man here almost 2 years ago that my daddy/God presented to me.(His profile name is Fieldsgood). We lost contact with one another and our paths crossed again. We both are very happy we've connected again. Not one hour passes that we don't talk to one another. I look forward to being the best covenant keeping woman I can be and I am looking forward to submitting and supporting him as the designer God desired for a woman/me to compliment his man/him. He is my King and I am his Queen. He has been very attentive; we both have. My fiance will be relocating to California by the end of January where we will live one day at a time not taking one moment for granted. We are grateful for BlackSingles dating site. If it were not for this place, we wouldn't have met. Our prayer for others is that if you're desiring love, may you find it and this time make it last forever. We haven't set a date, but we'll keep you posted.
I had decided that I would not sign up on your site. When I did sign on, it was because I saw someone who interested me, but was side tracked by the beautiful Lisa (Username "torme"). I feel that she is someone I can let my guards down with, little or no head games. She's honest without being abrasive, caring, loving, poetic, creative, passionate, thoughtful, inviting and welcoming. Honestly, I don't think I can find enough adjectives to describe her. I guess fabulous will have to do! A good man found a good woman. I'm excited about the future and expecting good things (time will tell). Kisses and Teardrops from a soul who has found a mate, at least a heart on common ground!
On Friday December 19th, I had went out to dinner alone as usual. Well it was 8:30 when I went home to change my clothes and to go back out to the movies. Well, I decided to check my emails and see what kind of hits I had received. As usual, I was not satisfied. However, I accidentally pushed the wrong key which was the key showing who was online and the first person that popped up was Blackcharm1. I viewed his profile and seen where he was from and I thought to myself, "he must be from Ontario, Canada". I looked again and it was Ontario, California. Well, anyhow, I quickly looked at his profile to learn about this man, then I went back and instant messaged him. He did not respond, so I left him an email letting him know that I was trying to get a hold of him. Then he instant messaged me back and I told him that I had just left Ontario and was on my way back to go to the movies. He said he was going as well. He asked me if I would mind if he joins me and I accepted his proposal and it was all good from there. I let him know that I was removing my Profile from BlackSingles and he said the same. I have only been back to you guys for three days and just want to say thanks, it was well worth the money, but I hope to never come back of course. I mean that in a good way.
On Sept. 12, 2008 we were in Hurricane Ike when I rec'd a smile from Will. I sent a note and he sent a message. We talked on the phone all night the first time we spoke. I knew he was the one for me. He was out of town and once he came home, we met and 3 months later we have yet to separate. On December 6, 2008 he asked me to be his wife and on December 31, 2008 we will unite as one. Some one asked me about time and I said people spend years together and never marry. When it's wrong, not even time can change it. When it's right, time doesn't matter. Thank you for helping us find one another.
I was a bit disillusioned with online dating because I met so many unsuitable males. So when I started talking to Tony on BlackSingles, I was slightly standoffish. He was real nice, understanding, and persevered.
I am from London, UK, but I have family in California. Hes from DC....needless to say we eventually decided to meet in California. We stayed for a week and fell in love immediately.
We now are looking forward to getting married in the spring. Its so ironic that our birthdays are even on the same day.
I was very new to BlackSingles, but I decided to give it a try. I was on there for a week before I decided to upgrade. On the 16th of November, I upgraded, I started searching for people online. Instantly I found babyface278. I blew him a kiss and then it went from there. We exchanged phone numbers the same day. We talked for hours the first night. Our chemistry continued to spark. We decided to meet that weekend. I drove to Akien, SC on the 21st of November. It was actually love at first sight. We spent two days with each other. Then he came to me the following Wednesday and stayed for a week. We fell in love instantly.