Success Stories: 2010
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It was a fairy tale that came true for us. We met on July 19, 2010. I (Sunshine2229) live in Florida and Eagle15 live in the Washington DC area. Our first date was July 23, 2010 in Washington DC. I escorted him to a dinner hosted by his boss (I know very risky). However, everyone at the dinner didn’t even notice we had just met … everyone sensed, I guess from our natural connection, that we had known each other for a very long time. Since that day, we have talked or texted several times a day and have traveled to see one another at least twice or sometimes three times a month. Every person we come in contact with either thinks we are already married or insists that we were meant to be with one another. Our search for true love has ended thanks to a little faith and BlackSingles.Com … now our lives will become as one on August 6, 2011, the same day we first professed our love for one another, last year.
BlackSingles.Com keep doing what you do!
Sunshine2229 and Eagle15

Dear BlackSingles,
Every adult’s life has been touched and shaped by love, a powerful human force. In December 2008 the Prince found his Princess; what a grand time it was. After only 7 days of searching the site, two paths destined to align finally crossed.
After communicating via email and telephone for 2 months, we decided to meet in person. Our hearts were filled with so much anticipation and excitement to finally have found something real. However, with 5 hours distance staring us both in the face…how real was what we were feeling…only time would tell.
Having had the opportunity to engage in pure conversation prior to the initial one on one encounter honestly was the best part of our purpose for each others lives. It was in those moments that we shared intimate details that developed our bond- a bond we wanted to last forever.
It is true that our individual journeys have been traveled with a purpose. It is even truer that; “Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up...Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break."
Ecclesiastes 4:9 (TEV)
Our individual journeys have been traveled; our journey with a purpose together will begin on April 2, 2011 when we unite in marriage.
Thank you BlackSingles for being an avenue along our journey.
With Love,
David & Casey
When I met Chris, I really was not sure if he was the right guy for me. We spent a long time talking on the phone and finally I went to meet him. When I first met him I knew he was the right man for me,however I didn't really know how he felt about me. So I did a lot of things to test him. I tried to see just what it would take for him to give up on me. By doing this I almost lost him, that's when it dawned on me that I didn't want to lose this man because I had truly fallen in love with him and I had to convince him about how I felt about him. To cut a long story short, he gave me a second chance and I am happy that he feels the same about me. I know in my heart that this is the man I plan to spend the test of my life with. I have finally found the one I want to share my soul with. This is the beginning of a future filled with happiness and joy and I thank god for helping me find him.
I'm happy to confirm that he proposed to me 3 days ago on the same day he arrived in London to meet me for the first time. We are so in love and cannot wait to be married and settle down to have a family.
My partner's name is Cory. His username was TakeItOff. Within just 2 days of chatting online via yahoo, we had fallen in love and he had then asked me to delete my profile as we had found each other.
We had both smiled at each other back in September, but he had not replied to my last email until the 10th of Oct. And by the 15th we had officially fallen in love.
I had always heard about love at first sight, but would never in a million years have believed that it could happen to me. Ours is even more special as he lived in NC and I in London and so we have named it "Love at First Chat".
Thank you so much for helping me fing my soulmate and he says "Thank you for connecting me to my missing rib". Love does exist online too...
Cory and Lola
The truth is, I had used your site for a few months, and had received no responses of any note whatsoever. I was deeply disappointed, and a little frustrated. I had no computer at home anyway, so occasionally used one at my friend's house, or logged on during lunch breaks at my local library. However, I had had enough, and told my friend I would use the site one last time, and cancel my subscription.
I logged on as SolidRockUK, and while perusing the site for the final time, I came across the user profile 'Over2U'. The photo showed a lively, ebullient and attractive woman who immediately caught my eye. She had a charming smile and demeanor that suggested an air of playfulness and fun. She had a gorgeous figure to die for, and I immediately shouted out to my friend - 'Wow - She's the One!!! I've got to get in touch with this woman!'. I then realized, the account was closed and she was no longer a member. I took a deep breath and sighed in utter disbelief. Undaunted, I sent an email/contact note anyway, and disclosed the fact I would like to get to know her better - but if she did not feel inclined to reciprocate, I wished her all the very best, and happiness in finding a 'special someone' in the future. I sent the email, canceled my subscription and turned off the PC.
Just before I left my friend's house, my mobile phone rang! It was 'Over2U'!!! That was 10th November 2008. We introduced ourselves and began to talk. I was perplexed. Her profile was closed and no longer in use. How did she get my message?
Jackie (as he name turned out to be) said the message I had sent had intrigued her - especially the well-wishes for the future. She reactivated her account especially, and read it and got in touch. We began dating for several months, there was an immediate connection between us - warmth and sincerity. She actually took a genuine interest in me a person, and this has been rare in my experience.
Love blossomed and grew. I proposed to Jackie while on holiday together in Tunisia, North Africa, 10th June 2009. We were married 20th March 2010 in my home town Birmingham, England, and we live together in Kent. The wedding day went like a dream. We had a truly wonderful time, and so did all our friends and families. We had a sensational honeymoon in the Caribbean for two weeks. We stayed in Barbados at a quiet, sun-soaked resort. We spent 7 days on a Cruise visiting St. Lucia, St. Kitts, St Maartens, San Juan in Puerto Rico, St. Thomas (US Virgin Islands), Dominica, and then returned to Barbados to relax for a few more days.
I guess the moral of the story is - 'Never give up hope of finding that special someone'. We had to share our story with you, as this kind of occurrence doesn't have to happen only in the movies. I wish all of your subscribers, Patience, Peace, and Love.
SolidRockUK & Over2U
Paul & Jackie
It has been almost a year since I met someone that I felt I connected with. I just met this handsome, God fearing man I knew was a match for me. As soon as I read his profile, I felt a very strong connection. We just met a few weeks ago and unfortunately, we both live in different states, we have not had our first face to face yet. Until I met this wonderful man, I had not had any luck on the site, but I kept telling myself, nothing good will come easy and to hang in there. With lots of prayer and dedication to what I wanted in a partner, I stood still and there he was!!! I don't know what will happen, but the future looks great for the both of us. We haven't even met yet and we already have very strong feelings for each other. I can't wait to meet him. I didn't think a internet dating site would help me find the man of my dreams, but I did. Thank you Black Its so funny, your site had no more matches to send me when I met my guy! I'm thankful, the timing was perfect. I pray I won't need to come back, but if I do, I will come back to To all my brothers and sisters who are serious about finding a mate, just hang in there, it will come....
I was in the last week of my paid subscription to BlackSingles. I've met many nice ladies, but none who were truly ready to connect. I received a notice that a lady had viewed my profile, but I hadn't received any new messages. On a hunch, I viewed HER profile. I liked what I read as well as her photos, so I left a message to read my entire profile "with an open mind," asking her to post a message if she was interested. She did; we progressed from the site to emails then phone calls. The funny thing is that the reason she didn't leave a message was because of my willingness to have more children; she took that as a requirement LOL! Also, she wasn't even looking for herself; she was being a buddy while her friend was looking to make a connection! We were about to bypass each other over what we thought - even before we gave each other a chance. Like a prospector, we were three feet from gold, but didn't know it, and almost ready to give up our "rights" to the treasures to come.
We became a couple after our first meeting, with big plans in store. I never thought I'd find a lady who was everything I wanted in a partner!! We talk every night for hours and have done so since we first spoke. We connect daily via text & emails, and being almost 6 hrs apart hasn't stopped us from meeting in person. I know what love is and have finally found My Most Excellent Woman thanks to BlackSingles; we plan to become married next Spring. Praise God and thank you, BlackSingles!
"Mochaccino" & "TorieTorie"

Thank you Black
This is our success story:
I, Bobby and Rhonda wanted to share the way we met on On September 6th 2010, I (Bobby) was scrolling thru the singles when I came across (Rhonda) and said wow...but kept going because I didn’t think she would be interested. Well something told me to go back and
leave her a message which consisted of “I normally don’t do this, but you really
look like a nice lady and here is my number if you want to call and talk to me…if not, I understand.” Well I (Rhonda,) sent him a message back that said “I will call you about 9:30”. So I did. That is when we talked like we had been
friends forever. Our first date was on September 10th and that consisted of him coming to my house and when asked where we wanted to go, Bobby said how about IHOP. I said sounds great. We had the best time ever. It was like we had known each other for years. He spent the entire weekend with me which was so amazing. I (Rhonda) told Bobby not to fall in love with me, but we both had the same feelings. We both had said that we didn’t believe in love at first sight, but we both wanted to say it when he had to go home on Sunday night. Bobby has always said that when he pulled up and I opened the garage door that he knew I was the one. The next five days were really hard for the both of us. We began to talk on the web cam and see each other. That was the best week when we told each other over the web cam that we loved each other. We both have been through trials through marriages and all and have waited for the time that we would find someone that
would give and show us the things that we have always wanted….love and respect. We plan to wed on September 10th, 2011 and would like to thank your website for this success.
Bobby & Rhonda
I had been on BlackSingles off and on for the past two years. I decided to give it one last try. I wasn't having any luck meeting the right type of man for me. One day I received a smile from Reggie and I replied back. We started emailing back and forth as well as IMing on the site. I finally gave him my number and told him to call me and he did. We started to talk every day for hours at a time. After communicating for about a month, we finally met. He drove three hours from Augusta, GA are to Dallas, GA to see me. I was truly impressed by that. He even brought me roses. We hit it off from there and have been visiting each other every week. He would make the drive one weekend and I would make it the next. He realized I was the one for him and I realized he was the one for me. So we are now in an exclusive relationship. Hopefully one day we will get married and continue on this blissful journey.