Success Stories: 2010
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I received quite a few smiles and correspondences from other members in the approximate 8 weeks I was online. However, things just never panned out and I was unable to connect with mutual interests. I was looking for specifics such as #1 must be a Christian, #2 5'11" or taller, #3 African American, #4 must contact me first, etc. I was corresponding with one individual, and when we spoke on the phone, something just didn't sit right with me. Then, I received a smile from this very special man. His picture made my heart beat a little faster. When I read his profile, all my specific requirements were there, halleluljah! My heart was really beating quickly now! I sent him an email back, and it was on from there! He sent his telephone number in the next email to me. When I called him, something just clicked automatically on both sides. It was if God was hand delivering who He wanted for me, to me. We spoke on the phone for a couple of weeks before meeting. He took his profile down before ever meeting me. Wow - that 's how sure he was! Our first date was 8am church service and lunch. Everything is wonderful! Thanks Black Singles!
I could not be what I am today if I didn't take serene happiness from my union with her. And as long as I have her in my life, and she too is happy, we will be an unstoppable force. I'd like to thank BlackSingles for presenting to me the Angel that God has chosen for me. She is everything a man could ever want and need. She is loving, caring, very supportive, non-judgmental, and unselfish. I am proud to become her husband.
I am pleased to inform you that I have met a nice man on your site and we are planning on getting married later this year. I didn't have the time to go looking for a mate, this site is terrific. He found me and we hit it off right from the start. We live in two different cities, but we manage to make time for one another. Without your site I don't know if we would have ever met. He is very affectionate and he is the love of my life. He came in and filled a void that I had for a long time. We talk on the phone everyday for hours and its like we can't get enough of each other. He is planning on visiting me here in The Woodlands in two weeks. I am awaiting his visit so that we can enjoy each others company in person.
Thank you,
I was a member of BlackSingles back in April of 2008, up until I met the woman of my dreams, Brenda aka (sncerelee4u), in June of 2009. We have been dating every since. She is an incredible woman and we are very much in-love with each other. It just so happens that she was ready to leave the site for good when she ran across my profile and sent me a smile. I responded with a smile and email and we have been communicating and dating every since. We have so much in common, it's like we were a match made in heaven. I owe it all to BlackSingles that I have met my future wife. Thanks again Tasha and BlackSingles.
Ronnie, aka ronhunt
I want to thank Blacksingles for the opportunity to meet the man of my dreams. It sounds cliche, but "Dreams do come true". I never imagined I would find my prayers answered on a dating site. I'm aware that God works His magic EVERY and ANYWHERE. And for this I'm Thankful! It truly is a Blessing to join as one union (June 18) with him. With him by my side and in my corner, we will conquer the world.
I met the man of my dreams here...I had a dream about him and a couple of days later we chatted for two days by phone. He traveled 3 hours to meet me, brought me flowers and a card. We spent a romantic evening together...The CHEMISTRY was instant. He is everything I want in a man. I was about to leave this site, but waiting a couple of days made a difference. Now I am off this site. Thanks BlackSingles for helping me to meet my FRIEND.
I saw this mans profile and I passed it several times. One day I saw he was online and decided to send him a IM. He did not respond, but he sent me his phone number in a email. I called him....It was like magic. The connection between us was so amazing I had to ask God if it were real. He lived in Florida and I in Georgia. After constantly talking for 2 days I drove down to meet him and it has been a blessed relationship ever since. We are just taking one day at a time and waiting to see what direction God will have for us to go.
Not being a person that go out a lot, due to work or community projects, I chose BlackSingles. After a month you provided me with a very special lady. Things are going very well. We're planning various activities together this summer and were hoping it leads to a permanent life together. Thanks BlackSingles, I found my soul mate.
Good bye.
Just wanted to let you guys know of my success story on your site. I have tried a few dating sites. I met a few nice people, but none that I connected with. At my wits end, I told myself that I would try one more site, which happened to be BlackSingles. After about 2 weeks of being on the site, I received a message from Marshall. I viewed his profile and thought him to be interesting. However the case, I had been communicating with someone else on a regular basis. Only wanting to communicate with one person at a time, I informed Marshall of this letting him know although I found him interesting, I wanted to focus on one person at a time. He then wished me well, but at the same time letting me know that he wasn't giving up on getting to know me, because he strongly felt that if I didn't have any connection with the guy I was communicating with already then he wasn't the man for me. To make a long story short, Marshall was right. After meeting the guy, although he was very nice, there was zero chemistry. I immediately informed Marshall of this and we began to communicate regularly, most nights talking on the phone until the wee hours of morning. We met after a week of our first conversation and we both knew without a doubt that we had found our soul-mate. We met Feb. 21 and I'm proud to announce that we were married exactly 2 months later on April 22. Thank you so much for being a wonderful dating-site!