Success Stories: 2010
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I met Chris in November of 2009. We connected and just decided that we were going to focus on each other, to see what happens. We have a great connection. We were matched at a 97%. He is a very sweet and down to earth person and I feel that we might have a good chance at making it in a serious relationship.

We would like to offer you a heartfelt thank you for your assistance in helping Beverly a.k.a (bevyrev1) and myself, Walter a.k.a (Muscles II). For finding each other as our soul mate. We met for the first time on November 8th, 2007, and have been dating ever since that day. We have found the LOVE that we'd been searching our whole lives for in each other. And as the songstress Etta James put the words in a song "AT LAST", this is how we feel. And as of February 14th 2010, we will become Husband and Wife. Internet dating was new for the both of us, but it has truly become a success story for us both. So again We'd like to THANK YOU for bringing US Together.
Walter & Beverly
I've always been attracted to Black American females. I took a five year break from dating to sort through some personal things and have fun. When I was ready, I tried the different big named dating websites and just couldn't make a connection. The matching systems were okay, but profiles are only as good as the honesty that people put into them. Well, one day I got an advertisement while logged into yahoo for I told my friend about it and knowing my attraction to Black American women he said, "Well, if you're going fishing, you might as well go fishing where the fish are". So, as weird as it seemed, I enrolled with My first thought that once this site finds out I'm a white male, they'll kick me straight off, but obviously they didn't. I was amazed at how many smiles and connections I was receiving from the black females on this site! On April 28th, 2009 I received a smile from a very cute lady who lived in Las Vegas. We smiled back and forth for a week before each of us signed up for a month so we could email and chat. With me living in Los Angeles and her living in Las Vegas, I was a little nervous because I'd heard the long distance thing doesn't work out, but we gave it a try. Here we are nearly a year later and are planning to get married this coming August. We decided it was best for her to come to the L.A. area with me. I'm so happy that I gave in and tried something out of the norm. Now I have a beautiful, wonderful, Godly woman that I am proud to say will soon be my wife. Thanks to for being color blind and allowing all ethnicities to join and for the good job in designing an easy to navigate website.
Be Blessed Folks and keep up the great work,
Scott & Nadia

He Said:
I had re-joined BlackSingles at the end of 2007 having been on there previously in 2006. I thought I would give it another go. At this point I was not a paying member as I did not have my photo up, as I was sort of deciding whether to fully join up.
One day in February 2008 I was browsing on the site I came across BeNatural79. Her profile really got my attention. My initial reaction
honestly was like WOW! She sounds amazing. I looked a couple of times on her profile, and thought ok she lives in USA and I live in the UK oh well, then sort of just carried on browsing like I would from time to time. Then about a month later having checking my emails one day I had a smile come through from BeNatural79. I was really shocked that this woman I had looked at a month ago had sent me a smile. At this point I had
eventually added a photo of myself. The same evening /night we were IMing each other back and fourth nonstop. We both just clicked. Then I remember asking her if I could call her on the phone that same night, well early morning I
should say. We spoke for a couple hours on the phone and I did have a huge bill after that I should say, but it was well worth it. Ever since that first night of talking to each other, we have not stopped ever since. Even being in a recession, trying to maintain trips and me studying and having a career change, we have still growed together and loved each as we are now
engaged and looking forward to finally being together soon and for the rest of our lives.
The key for us to keep our international relationship going was for us working together as a team. As I could not of done this without
Benatural79's love, support and commitment; A few ingredients that are needed if you are thinking or looking to start a relationship that might be
with someone oversees.
*She Said:*
I knew that Robb1 was “The One” from the very beginning. I had no doubts or reservations about him being in another country at all. He is the perfect example of “slow and steady wins the race.” He never tried to make any outlandish promises or devise a plan to win my affection. He was just well…himself: Honest, Consistent, Kind, Loving, and Genuine. If Robb1 said he would call at 7pm the phone was ringing 10 mins before. I loved that he had no times for games. We both knew in the beginning that what we had was a
gift and we each treated it as such. We were both a little nervous about our first face to face meeting 3 months after we started talking, but the minute we saw each other we were both at peace. I felt at home. Robb1 is the perfect compliment to me in every way. He is my best friend. I credit us having met online to why we are so in tune emotionally, spiritually, and
mentally. For months at a time all we have are non physical ways to express our love and this has made us stronger. After two years of dating
internationally we will soon be married and starting our lives together in the US (June 2010). I am honored that he chose me as a life partner. I know that I have chosen a man my children will be proud to call dad and whom I
will grow old with.
Thank you Blacksingles for helping us find our soul mate and for creating the opportunity for two people from different countries to merge lives, families, and cultures to become one.
Robb1 & BeNatural79
I met my new love through this site. My name is Ronald, her name is Audrea. Milwaukee, WI is my hometown, she is from North Carolina. I really feel good about her. Thanks to god and, I found my queen.
God bless you all.
I ended up meeting two guys on this site. The first one was nothing I wanted to have in my life. I started to feel like the site was just a joke and I was not going to use it any more. But something in the back of my mind said to give it one more chance and that all guys are not like that. I met the second guy by the name of Tariq "the love of my life" two days before my birthday and we have been talking every since. We ended having a whole lot in common and plan to see where the Lord takes us. We have been hanging out every weekend since we met on December 9, 2009. We thank the person who made it possible for us to meet. I used to feel like I would not talk to guys my own age, but he seems to be the prefect package. He is 25 and I'm 25 and we are both Christians and come from very strong family backgrounds. Even though there is a little distance between us, it has not rained on our LOVE, we are working it out together and able to communicate about everything.
This has been a great 2 weeks.
I would have never thought I would actually meet someone and click with them in such a short period of time, and definitely doubted the possibilities even more because it was through an on-line dating site.
Well the good new is I did!!! This may be the beginning of something beautiful and lasting. Who knows maybe soon I will have to delete my profile since I may no longer need your service !
Thank you BlackSingles!!!
I met bigdarr42 online November 11th 2009. He had emailed me and sent me a smile before I responded. I didn't even have a photo at that time and he was already calling me pretty. So, that first day we talked, I gave him my phone number. He called and everything has been great. He is everything that I have asked God for and more. We both have been truly Blessed. When you pray ask God for something or someone, he will do. We just don't know how. I never thought that I would meet anyone when I registered on, but God blessed me to. If it's the Lord's will, we are getting married this summer. Thank you BlackSingles and may God continue to bless.
I initiated contact around mid December. She didn't have a picture posted, so I requested a picture from her through the site. She asked me if I had an email account (which I did) and so I gave her my email address and she sent me a photo. When I got the photo, I was immediately impressed. Obviously, she was with me as well. So we talked through the site I think one more day, maybe two. I sent her my phone number and told her that when she was ready she could call me. I think the next day she replied with her number as well. So, we started phone contact and agreed to go out on a date. It was the most wonderful time I've had in quite some time, we're still dating and getting to know each other very well. That face-to-face meeting was really quite something, I could see the attraction in and from her. Her name is Linda. Her on-site name was lillreddgirl. We're doing quite well thank you. We're both very satisfied, I don't wanna get my hopes up too high, but Linda would make an wonderful spouse. Right now, it's getting to know each other and enjoying our times together. Thanks for a wonderful experience.