We both knew in the beginning that what we had was a gift...

He Said:
I had re-joined BlackSingles at the end of 2007 having been on there previously in 2006. I thought I would give it another go. At this point I was not a paying member as I did not have my photo up, as I was sort of deciding whether to fully join up.
One day in February 2008 I was browsing on the site I came across BeNatural79. Her profile really got my attention. My initial reaction
honestly was like WOW! She sounds amazing. I looked a couple of times on her profile, and thought ok she lives in USA and I live in the UK oh well, then sort of just carried on browsing like I would from time to time. Then about a month later having checking my emails one day I had a smile come through from BeNatural79. I was really shocked that this woman I had looked at a month ago had sent me a smile. At this point I had
eventually added a photo of myself. The same evening /night we were IMing each other back and fourth nonstop. We both just clicked. Then I remember asking her if I could call her on the phone that same night, well early morning I
should say. We spoke for a couple hours on the phone and I did have a huge bill after that I should say, but it was well worth it. Ever since that first night of talking to each other, we have not stopped ever since. Even being in a recession, trying to maintain trips and me studying and having a career change, we have still growed together and loved each as we are now
engaged and looking forward to finally being together soon and for the rest of our lives.
The key for us to keep our international relationship going was for us working together as a team. As I could not of done this without
Benatural79's love, support and commitment; A few ingredients that are needed if you are thinking or looking to start a relationship that might be
with someone oversees.
*She Said:*
I knew that Robb1 was “The One” from the very beginning. I had no doubts or reservations about him being in another country at all. He is the perfect example of “slow and steady wins the race.” He never tried to make any outlandish promises or devise a plan to win my affection. He was just well…himself: Honest, Consistent, Kind, Loving, and Genuine. If Robb1 said he would call at 7pm the phone was ringing 10 mins before. I loved that he had no times for games. We both knew in the beginning that what we had was a
gift and we each treated it as such. We were both a little nervous about our first face to face meeting 3 months after we started talking, but the minute we saw each other we were both at peace. I felt at home. Robb1 is the perfect compliment to me in every way. He is my best friend. I credit us having met online to why we are so in tune emotionally, spiritually, and
mentally. For months at a time all we have are non physical ways to express our love and this has made us stronger. After two years of dating
internationally we will soon be married and starting our lives together in the US (June 2010). I am honored that he chose me as a life partner. I know that I have chosen a man my children will be proud to call dad and whom I
will grow old with.
Thank you Blacksingles for helping us find our soul mate and for creating the opportunity for two people from different countries to merge lives, families, and cultures to become one.
Robb1 & BeNatural79