Success Stories: 2010
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After over three years on the site, as a guest and also a member, I met someone who said he came on this site to meet his queen. We exchanged cards and smiles and then upon both of us becoming members we exchanged phone numbers and had an instant connection. We realized that we shared the same interest and believe it was a divine connection. I am visiting him as we speak in ATL and we have become engaged to be married June 12, 2010. Thank you for being the means by which I have met my soulmate.

I came out of a failing relationship and after spending months single I decided to get back into the dating scene. I subscribed to in November 2009 and used the online dating service for a few weeks. I found four potential matches. Danice was my fourth. What convinced me to email Danice were the strong and direct words on her introduction paragraph. It wasn’t really the contents of her profile, but the self motivation, dedication, and intelligence that came through. That’s what got me hooked. After several messages back and forth we exchanged numbers and went from text messaging to talking on the phone. The more I chatted with her, the more I realized she had everything I wanted. She was educated, passionate and we shared many common values. At the time of our first date (Xs), we were both active in the dating scene and armed with our laundry list of "must-haves" vs. "negotiable." Yet, when we met, we didn't need those dating lists anymore. We realized that the dating lists only work for the search of "Mr. and Ms. Right Now’s" -- you meet your matches, update your list, and move on. What we found was something so much more... a true connection. We both knew we had good chemistry -- physically, mentally, and emotionally. A month after we met, we became an exclusive couple and were meeting each other's parents. Our relationship became every romance novel, chick flick, and Ebony article rolled up into one perfect match. The funny thing is that I wasn't looking for a serious relationship, because my secular work life is so demanding. Yet, I found the woman I can’t live without. Although we live in the same area, we would have never met each other if it wasn't for She never came down to my neighborhood, and I never went to her part of town. We had completely different social lives: She likes the cultural events and wine festivals, whereas, I like the fast pace always on the go life. Now, we stop by the wine festivals and take time to travel when our work lives are not so demanding. What started off as smile I sent on December 21, 2009 will hopefully turn into "partners for life".
We thank for giving us an opportunity to meet. It didn’t happen overnight and there were other failed dates in the middle.
Take your time and when you find that special person cherish them for a lifetime. “When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.”
Best Wishes
Khris and Danice
"da1nonlynbmore (Khris) & Aqua001 (Danice)
I just wanted to take a few minutes to say to everyone out there looking, dont give up!! There is a possibility you may find the man or women you dreamed of or prayed for one day. I was so not into the idea of online dating and guess what...I found the man I prayed for on this web site!!! We have been dating for 5 months now. Everything is so right. We are the perfect match!!! Thank You for helping me find "The One"!
I met Blessedcm when he came to visit me in Cleveland and we both fell in love at first sight of laying eyes on each other! We would like to thank BlackSingles for making this possible for allowing two individuals to come together on this dating site. But we owe much thanks to God for preparing us for one another, we have a great appreciation for what we have in store for our long future together!
Being in my early fifties now, I was at a stage in my life where I pretty much had given up on finding someone. Still, I had a little hope, and kept my membership going at BlackSingles. I went on several dates from the site, almost all with "one date only" results. Finally I was approached by the man I am with now. In his very first email to me, he mentioned that the description I wrote about who I was looking for fit him perfectly! At first I thought that was just a clever line, but I soon came to find out that he actually DOES fit what I was searching for to a T! We have been inseparable ever since our first date, and have been having a great time. Thanks BlackSingles!
I am a God fearing woman and just when I was about to give up on dating on-line I received a message saying "Let's talk". I started not to respond to this request, but I am so glad I did. I met a heart warm felt gentleman who is beautiful on the inside and out. We established a relationship which is going smoothly and more intensely, so I decided to follow my heart, mind and soul. The bases of a good relationship is to be understanding which can be as simple as giving your partner space when he needs it or listen patiently when he asks for your attention. Always encourage and build each other up. And this is my story of my strong man. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE! SIGNING OUT WITH THANKS TO ALL OF THE BLACK SINGLES WHO CONTACTED AND CHATTED WITH ME.
Hello & Thank-You Black Singles(BS), My user name is RAYJMAY. I must say that BlackSingles has been a positive experience & I want to thank all the women friends who have shared friendship & experiences that have taught me a lot about what to look for in the opposite sex. I must say that I enjoy reading the essays. It has been an experience that has helped me to decide what to expect & choose someone who is compatible to me. I have found that lady. She is local, a God fearing woman, cute, with a heart of gold. We have reached the point to where a relationship is mutually agreed upon. We both agree that in order to not send mix messages, we thank (Black Singles) & conclude our membership at this point. We solicit all the members prayers & through honest communication, understanding, & accepting each others positive side as well as faults, we are committed to a relationship, keeping God through his son Jesus Christ, our Savior, first!
I just wanted to send this email. I am glad I found BlackSingles. I can't speak for everyone, but I can only speak for myself...for years I was a skeptic with online dating. I received emails from your company and thought I would give it a try and I met someone in February. We have been hitting it off from far away, I am in Charlotte, NC and he is in Little Rock, AK, but we are making it work. Sometimes you have to travel for what you want. We are exactly alike in so many ways, it is blowing our minds. I feel like I'm back in Jr. High school. He is compassionate, strong, intelligent, a handsome black man, and he has common sense. I was starting to give up in my black men and take a walk on the wild side or I thought I was going to be one of those successful black females who ends up being alone because it is so hard to find someone that is honest and has integrity. Thanks guys, I pray your services will no longer be needed. I am very happy!
In February I met an absolutely fantastic woman; Someone who I couldn't even imagine existed. She is strong, witty, intelligent and has a strong sense of self-worth, a trait that is very hard to find in people today (contrary to popular opinion). She has become a constant in my life and I honestly can't go a day without her. Thank you for your service and the opportunity to meet a truly special person.