I found the woman I can’t live without.

I came out of a failing relationship and after spending months single I decided to get back into the dating scene. I subscribed to Blacksingles.com in November 2009 and used the online dating service for a few weeks. I found four potential matches. Danice was my fourth. What convinced me to email Danice were the strong and direct words on her introduction paragraph. It wasn’t really the contents of her profile, but the self motivation, dedication, and intelligence that came through. That’s what got me hooked. After several messages back and forth we exchanged numbers and went from text messaging to talking on the phone. The more I chatted with her, the more I realized she had everything I wanted. She was educated, passionate and we shared many common values. At the time of our first date (Xs), we were both active in the dating scene and armed with our laundry list of "must-haves" vs. "negotiable." Yet, when we met, we didn't need those dating lists anymore. We realized that the dating lists only work for the search of "Mr. and Ms. Right Now’s" -- you meet your matches, update your list, and move on. What we found was something so much more... a true connection. We both knew we had good chemistry -- physically, mentally, and emotionally. A month after we met, we became an exclusive couple and were meeting each other's parents. Our relationship became every romance novel, chick flick, and Ebony article rolled up into one perfect match. The funny thing is that I wasn't looking for a serious relationship, because my secular work life is so demanding. Yet, I found the woman I can’t live without. Although we live in the same area, we would have never met each other if it wasn't for Blacksingles.com. She never came down to my neighborhood, and I never went to her part of town. We had completely different social lives: She likes the cultural events and wine festivals, whereas, I like the fast pace always on the go life. Now, we stop by the wine festivals and take time to travel when our work lives are not so demanding. What started off as smile I sent on December 21, 2009 will hopefully turn into "partners for life".
We thank Blacksingles.com for giving us an opportunity to meet. It didn’t happen overnight and there were other failed dates in the middle.
Take your time and when you find that special person cherish them for a lifetime. “When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.”
Best Wishes
Khris and Danice
"da1nonlynbmore (Khris) & Aqua001 (Danice)