Success Stories: 2010
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When I joined this website I didn't know what to expect and I was just looking for conversation and entertainment since I was lonely and bored sometimes. I met the most sexy, gentle, kind and loving man on this site and I feel blessed to have him and thankful to this website for being the forum in which I was fortunate to meet my soul mate. To all who are still in search for love, I wish you all luck. Be patient and open-minded and don't have too many unrealistic expectations and you will find him/her in due time. Before you can love someone, make sure that you are in love with yourself first. Thanks again Black Singles!!!!!
I was the one actually who sent him a smile, and he did respond. I decided at that point I wanted to send him my phone number so we could talk. I told him that we were adults and that I trusted him to have my phone number. He did call me and I missed his call. It gave me the opportunity to listen to his voice and it was sexy too. I called him back and he missed my call too, so it gave him a chance to hear my voice as well.
We finally connected on the phone and we talked for hours, it was like chemistry sparks through the phone right away. We talked every day since May 27, 2010. I have been to his home he has been to my home. My children like him very much I have talked to his mother, we also e-mail each other. I will be meeting his mother in person this Saturday. Tee is what I call him...he cooks me breakfast every morning and serves me in bed when I go to his house. He is so romantic, loving, caring and a good listener. We play games watch movies etc., He like to hold hands in public and love to kiss.
His profession that he’s into doesn’t allow me to show you pictures of him, but I thank god for meeting him every day. When he comes to visit me he cooks and is very involved with my children who are 25, 20, 18, 16...he is a family man for sure. I do cook also for him and we work side by side in the kitchen. He is very helpful, he buys me things for my home that he sees that I need. He buys food when he comes over to cook and also takes all of us out to have a good time Tee took me and my boys bowling two weekends ago and we had a wonderful time. Theres not a night that doesn’t goes by that we don’t talk to each other. We are going on a cruise for my birthday in September. It’s a birthday treat from Tee. Tasha I love Tee with all my heart and guess what... he told he love me too. He show me with his action how he feels about me. We were two people seeking love and we found it on Black Singles, we appreciate each other so much. I plan to marry him.We take turn visiting each other, one weekend he comes to me and the following weekend I come to him. He’s tall and handsome. He’s such a beautiful person. Ladies, all men that don’t post their picture is not because they are hiding something. It could be there profession that doesn’t allow them to post their picture. He sent me a picture right after our first conversation on the phone. I was very pleased with him. I don’t really base my relationship on how a man looks, but he is so fine he blew my mind, and of course he thought I was very attractive too. What ladies have to believe is that there are men on BlackSingles who are really waiting for love just like we were. We are making plans to be together. He was willing to relocate, but I think we will find a house in Delaware were it would be easier for him to commute to work and it not a problem for me. I could transfer or still drive to my job is South Jersey. Tee has been in the military and other task force and is also very well educated. I just want to thank you again and I will keep in touch with our plans.

First of all, I would like to Thank God! We met on First, we became friends, talking to each other most of the time. After that, we met face to face on November 11, 2007. Since then, he took a couple of breaks (we all know what that means ;-)), but then he started to pursue me. So finally June 2008, we started talking to each other again, and things started to get serious. After that, March 2009, he asked me to marry me. We have been through some of the crazy things together already, but guess what... we have only made it through with the Grace of God. We are not a perfect couple, but we know where our hearts are every time. I would definitely take my time to say, I will come back in 25 years, and give you my story at that time. For now, we got married on January 1, 2010 (yes New Year's Day 2010), and we are moving forward with God first in our lives. Together we have 3 kids total and planning to have 1 more.
Thank you!
Salina and Kory
After viewing a man's profile on my slideshow, a few days later he sought me out and the rest is history... I am so glad he reached out to me. Our profiles gave us both a sense of what the other was looking for and in a short time of communicating our hearts are now one. Good luck to everyone, and just be honest and up front. Time is too precious to waste!

I joined BlackSingles after a terrible experience with another member. I knew it was not the site, but the person. Having so much faith in God, I told myself I will give it one more chance and the end result was God sent. I met the most amazing man who for once could back up everything he said with his actions. He knew exactly what he wanted and was not in it to play with someone's heart. We talked for months and literally fell in love over the phone. We met and we have been together ever since. He is all I ever dreamed of in a man. My family loved him and his loved me. It was a match made in Heaven and God used BlackSingles to make it possible. July 10th we had the most amazing Wedding, YES WE GOT MARRIED LAST WEEKEND. All I can say is don't lose sight of your dreams and never let anyone tear you apart. This marriage is for life! Be true to others and be honest. You will find your mate.
Much Love,
Patricia & Eugene
JahiandI and Sunshine met on BlackSingles last summer, Aug of 2009 and we have been dating ever since. He lived in MO and I lived in NJ, so at first I thought it was not going to work with the distance between us. He came to visit several times and stayed a few weeks at a time. This last time he came in February for my b-day and never left. We live together and are planning our future together. He already pulled his profile down this is why I am pulling mine. I am very happy and I plan on spending the rest of my life making him happy. We are engaged and planning a future....Thanks BlackSingles, for bringing us together.

Her Story:
Where else, but on BlacksSngles could a Celtics fan and a Lakers fan meet and fall in love? *smile*
The distance at first seemed daunting, but we are making it work. Very few times in your life do you meet someone and know with such certainty that this is the person with whom you wish to grow old. I was beginning to think it would never happen again for me and then I met Charles.(Iwaslooking4u2) No pretenses, just a heart of gold and an attraction that keeps a smile on my face and gives me goosebumps. We appreciate and celebrate and/or accept our flaws and differences which allows our love for each other to grow unconditionally.
Thank you BlackSingles,
Renee (Cafeaulait22)
His Story:
I met Renee quite by chance. I had just renewed my subscription thinking just like the other times I was on the site I would meet someone, yet there would always be that something missing. Then I saw her profile, her introduction was short, but according to the site we were a good match for each other. Throwing caution to the wind I contacted her never expecting to get a response from her. To my surprise, she responded after a few emails, we exchanged numbers and our first conservation lasted over an hour as did the second and the third. However it was not long that I realized that I had met the one. Our first meeting was something out of Hollywood, it was as if we had always been together and it has only gotten better since then. I like to say it was love at first sight. But as the song says, I think I loved her before I met her. She is everything I ever dreamed of in a woman. In 2011 we will unite before God and man. I never thought I would ever meet someone as amazing as Renee on line. Blacksingles, I thank you for making one man's dreams come true.
Charles (Iwaslooking4u2)
***Updated 9/8/10***
Charles and I have set a date for March, and wedding plans are under way. The reaction from family and friends has been positive, although the on-line dating still makes some folks leery. When that happens ,I direct them to your site to view some of the other success stories. Charles and I are blessed to have found each other on opposite sides of the country. We are so excited to begin the second half of our life together.
We'll keep you posted. Thanks again BlackSingles.
***Updated 3/9/2013***
What we feel made our experience successful: We both realized early on that we are who we are and accepted each other’s quirks and flaws. We are still learning, but an undeniable love for each other makes for a strong foundation. We both agree that “patience” is the key.
As mentioned in our first BlackSingles feature, it was love at first sight. Charles quoted the song “I knew I loved you” by Savage Garden. I held back at first, but I felt the same way. I knew I loved him before I met him. We met in June 2010. He proposed shortly after, gave me a ring just before Thanksgiving and we were married March 19, 2011. We had a small, beautiful wedding and Charles said his personal vows to me impromptu with Charlie Wilson's "You Aare" playing in the background.
Talk about bringing tears to woman's eyes..*smile*. It is so incredible at this point in our lives to have found each other. I have relocated to Southern California and though I miss Boston, family and friends, I am truly happy and blessed to be able to share the rest of my life with the love of my life.
Thank you again, BlackSingles.
Renee & Charles
I am Elinar and I met George in January of 2007.
We immediately connected just from the first phone call. We talked until it was time for him to go to work.
We finally made a date to meet on Valentine's Day for dinner and a play. When I opened the door I immediately knew he was the one for me!!
I am happy to announce we were married July 10, 2010.
Thank you sooo much for your service. He was God sent to me!!
Thank you,
Elinar & George
I have found my soul mate on this website! We are 100% compatible! God has answered my prayers! He has everything I've been looking for and more! I am truly blessed to have been found by him. I look forward to building and sharing a life with him.
Thanks you so much for helping to make this possible! I wish your business much success now and in the future!