He is all I ever dreamed of in a man.

I joined BlackSingles after a terrible experience with another member. I knew it was not the site, but the person. Having so much faith in God, I told myself I will give it one more chance and the end result was God sent. I met the most amazing man who for once could back up everything he said with his actions. He knew exactly what he wanted and was not in it to play with someone's heart. We talked for months and literally fell in love over the phone. We met and we have been together ever since. He is all I ever dreamed of in a man. My family loved him and his loved me. It was a match made in Heaven and God used BlackSingles to make it possible. July 10th we had the most amazing Wedding, YES WE GOT MARRIED LAST WEEKEND. All I can say is don't lose sight of your dreams and never let anyone tear you apart. This marriage is for life! Be true to others and be honest. You will find your mate.
Much Love,
Patricia & Eugene