Success Stories: 2008
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I wanted to thank you for this service. Never in my life I thought I would meet someone using an online service. I was very hesitant, because I thought this was out of my character. But, on Aug 3, 2008 I met TROC1222, the man of my dreams. He is the most warm, caring, loving man I have ever met. Also, he is handsome as ever.
Thanks BlackSingles!!!

Hello Everyone,
True love does exist!
We just wanted to tell you that “” is the greatest web-site on the Internet.
It led me to my beautiful Wife and Soul Mate!
Me, SDE123, was on BS for about a year and was just about ready to throw in the towel. I met a few people, but nothing serious. Then I noticed that Selena1 had read my profile. I sent her a smile. It was something about her profile that caught my attention. I joined back up as a full member just so I could respond to that one particular e-mail she sent me.
Selena1 was new to the site, only a couple of weeks. She was getting hundreds and hundreds of hits, go figure. But she said when she saw my
pictures, she kept going back to it. She said it was very strange for her to react in this fashion. She later told me that it was something about
my eyes and it was love at first site. Believe it or not.
I thought she was pretty and all, but I thought her pictures were outdated. So we started corresponding through BlackSingles. I was requesting more pictures and she was giving me her phone number. Ouch! Lol. The more we talked, the
closer we got. So we met and dated.
When I first saw her in person, my heart skipped a beat. IT WAS ON!!! The chemistry was there. She was so beautiful. We have so much in common until we built a spreadsheet...unbelievable! We
get along great and love each other very much. We have a lot of fun together and everything is an adventure. We could not stand to be apart any longer. We fell in love. We were married on 10/11/08; One year from our first date. Our honeymoon was off the chain.
I thank God for using BlackSingles to be the instrument that brought us together.
Here’s what we did; try it:
First, pray on it, then think about want you really want and ask God for a blessing.
BUT, you have to be as obedient as possible.
It worked for us. Be Blessed!
Thank you BlackSingles!
SDE123 and Selena1
My fiance' sent me a smile and I responded. We chatted for about 5 minutes and then I asked for her phone #. She gave me her # and we experienced an instant connection. We have been like 2 kids in love ever since. We are not perfect, but we are truly perfect for each other. We are very happy and feel that we have found our soul mate. Thank you for this platform to communicate.
It was just my 3rd day on the site and I received an e-mail and I quote: "Nice profile with a fantastic photo". I would never imagine in a million years that e-mail would have brought me the love of my life. I put up my profile on Black Singles with just one wish to find someone just like him and what I got was what I wished for in a guy and more. Yes, we have our issues, as maintaining a long distance relationship is not the easiest thing to do, but at the end of the day, our love takes priority and is worth fighting for. We have met face to face after corresponding for 2 months. I flew to Nova Scotia and OMG, the chemistry between us, the happiness we both felt, the tears of joy, the never ending promises and commitments to each other, etc. were incredible and way beyond our expectations. And it was an experience of a life time for both of us in which our journey together as a couple can only be classified as a fairy tale with a happy ending to share with our kids, friends and family. On my profile I wrote, "May the best man win!!!" Honey, you are more than a winner and I can never repay you for your tenacity and for telling me every and each time we communicate that you love me. Thank you darling and thank you BlackSingles...I am the luckiest woman in the world with you by side.
I have met a wonderful man on Black Singles. He makes me lauugh, he makes me smile. He has taken me by storm. I almost didn't return his emails, but I am glad that I did. He has made me rethink dating and he has restored my faith in MEN! We met at the airport in my home town a few weeks ago. It was wonderful. We spend hours and hours on the phone and our conversations are just unbelievable. We "mesh", as he says. It is truly wonderful how we have bonded. We have been dating for almost four months. I think we both hate hanging up the phone. We have a great mix of common likes, thoughts, and of music . I truly enjoy and love our relationship. It feels SOOOOO GOOOOOOD! THANK YOU BLACK SINGLES!
The first day that I logged onto BlackSingles was 10/13/08. I looked through the profiles and one really caught my eye. It was T191. He featured himself and his two beautiful daughters on his profile. He is a single parent and lives on the East Coast and I live on the West Coast. I thought that he was so handsome and really admired him sharing his family life. I sent him a smile, not really expecting him to respond. He responded almost immediately! We chatted for a few minutes and all of a sudden, my computer froze. I was able to get him a message to call me on my cell phone so that we could continue our conversation.
To make a long story short, we talked for hours! I've never talked on the phone to anyone for that long. We talked everyday until 10/30/08, the day I went to visit him in person. We totally hit it off. I am in love with him and he feels the same way. I've never been in a long distance relationship, but I am just so grateful to have him in my life. He's so sexy, kind, compassionate, loving, and very humorous.
Thank you BlackSingles for hooking us up!
I would like to thank BlackSingles for making me a happy man. I joined black singles to search for friends and never expected that I'd find my true soulmate. On October 24, 2008, I married a fellow BlackSingles subscriber named Bachelorette1. All of this after meeting and chatting on your website for only six months. If I had to list all of the qualifications that I was looking for in a soulmate or wife, I could not have found a more perfect person than she.
We are very happy! Again I thank BlackSingles very much for changing my life and making me a very happy man!
I met my fiance on a year ago and we have never been apart since. He was just an arm reach away from where I live. We decided to become the new Brady Bunch about 3 months ago. The wedding is 8/09. He's a widower of 10 years with 3 children. He's the most kind, considerate, and sweetest man I've ever met. Thanks BlackSingles! I hope everyone can find their true love like I found mine.
I want to tell every good man on BlackSingles that are waiting for his queen, continue to be humble, because dreams do come true. I met the woman of my life on March 17, 2008. Right then and there, I knew one day she would be the woman of my life.