We are truly in love.

(Her story)
Wow, what a great time in my life to find true love like no other just amazes me. Now being on BlackSingles had become like family to me. I came out of curiosity of this new avenue of dating and stumbled upon the chat room. I just couldn't bring myself to utilize the site of it's intended use. After about 2yrs of being here, I had only dated one person and that was strictly by accident. It was long distance and lasted for over a year. So when that ended, I didn't have any intent or desire to do so again. Well, now comes this man who had stumbled onto BlackSingles because of emails inviting him to join. He took a look and on the very first page there was my picture. He joined just to try and contact me. I started receiving email from him and I thought to myself, poor soul, he doesn't realize that I won't answer him, but oh well (LOL). After about six emails, everything inside of me said you need to answer this guy. He was very sincere and charming without being forward or icky (LOL). Thank God that I listened to myself because that was the beginning of a lifetime of happiness. Stanpatk and I are truly in "Love". I have never had anyone to love me and adore me like he does. He gives of himself so freely. This is the last relationship of our lives. It's been over five months and I'll keep you posted on when our eternity begins.
(His story)
I began a search for "the last relationship of my life", some time ago, when I happened along this site. I soon realized that this requirement would be the test. Some would be intimidated by my quest. Others would intellectually challenge it. Being a simple man, I couldn't comprehend the rhetoric. Then.......she came along. Almost instantly as if it were our purpose, she embraced my passionate search. Knowing exactly what it meant in its simplest form. We fit like a glove. She doesn't have to understand my every need to embody it. She is confident, full of joy, and whole, with or without me. Moreover, she is free. Free to be who she is and who she may need to be.
Not easily impressed, I admire her greatly. She is wonderful, affectionate, intellectual and deep.
My love for her was secured when she made the claim "I'm yo ride or die chick". To her, us not lasting the test of time is not an option.
On this site, 4 days in, we found each other. (Her picture and profile is the reason why I joined). She is what I've been waiting for.........SORRY GUYS, she is now a part of me.
For those still searching, I wish for you humility. It will require that to find quality in what you seek, and what we found..... Thank you BlackSingles!