Success Stories: 2007
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She says:
'Is there such a thing as a soul mate, if so, then prove it...' This is a challenge I posed in April 2007 on In May 2007, England39 decided to take me up on that challenge. Since then, not only has he surpassed all my expectations and completed the challenge but we are now intertwined into one - soul mates! Every day for 3 months, England39 has shown nothing but love, compassion, sincerity and loyalty. For 3 months we grew and connected with each other without having even met. Despite the unbearable distance between us, England39 became my friend, confidante, stronghold....and September my lover/fiance.
I dedicate this success story to my fiance England39. My experience on has been a success because of you. I love you!
Many thanks to for making it all possible. I can truly say that I have now met my SOLE soul mate.
Lady U-Nik (United Kingdom)
He says:
I believe in my heart, mind and soul that I have met the love of my life, my ideal match, my soul mate. I have been truly blessed by your site and God. The distance between us has allowed us to bond and now we are committed for life. To my "wife to be" you have exceeded all of my expectations and I love you! Thank you England39 (new york)
***Updated 6/25/08***
Its been just over a year now since we both agreed to a committed relationship with each other. Since then, there has been absolutely no regrets. We still live in different countries, but we have developed an unbreakable bond. We see each other regularly and have introduced family members who have been extremely supportive of our relationship. We have had time to build trust, love, and genuineness within our relationship; so much so that we are now planning our wedding to take place in December of 2008!!! True love TRULY has no boundaries!
***Updated 8/10/09***
It has been just over two years since we met on BlackSingles. Lots have happened since then, but the one thing that remained was our love and commitment to each other. The strong bond we built in the first months before meeting has made us the unbeatable couple that we are today. This is all thanks to BlackSingles for creating that medium by which England39 and I were able to communicate on every possible level without physical distractions getting in the way. Having said that, we have now grown as a couple, mentally, emotionally, AND physically :-) We are best friends and on July 28, 2009 we became husband and wife. Thanks again BlackSingles!!!!!!
England39 and LadyUnik

He's everything I dreamed of. He's the perfect blend and the love of my life.
After months of looking for the right man for me I finally discovered him or should I say we discovered each other and we only live 20 minutes from each other.
My story begins when on June 13, 2006 I received a few smiles from BIGDADDY1067{MICHAEL}. He sent me{EYESTOTHESOUL} a few smiles I ignored them cause I thought they are only smiles and what could those lead to, right? After about 3 or 4 more smiles I finally responded to 1 of them then I sent him an IM. He had just goteen off work and I was just on the computer doodling around. Well it was a little after midnight when he accepted my chat. We chatted for awhile and we exchanged phone numbers. We had a nice conversation and decided that we should meet face to face. So he came to my house, picked me up and we went to a late night breakfast. During our conversation I made note that he had very good eye contact (which is A + in my book), His conversation was on my mental level, he was the cuddly teddy bear type I was looking for and to top it all off, he was a complete gentleman during the whole date. I must say this was a delightful date and I wanted to see more of him.
So we started talking on the phone and we got to know each other and found out that we have a lot in common. The more we talked the more I fell for him. He was everything I had been wanting and waiting for but I couldn't seem to find.
Afater a few more conversations of constant talking we found ourselves spending more and more time together. It started with a few days out of the week then eventually it turned into we found ourselves wanting to see each other everyday in which we did. We had endless conversations about everything because we could talk about anything under the sun.
On July 14, 2007 he sat down with me, looked me in my eyes and asked to be his woman. I gladly accepted. I knew I had found my true soulmate and the love of my life. We've talked about engagement and marriage(stay tuned for updates on that in the upcoming year) Even though we haven't set a date for either one I know I will enjoy being his wife and waking up to see my handsome husband my king on a daily basis.
This is the end of my happy story but before I end it, I wold like to tell everytone that iis looking for that special someone to have hope, keep the faith and pray for the one you want. Don't give up for he or she is out there waiting for you.......You will find them.
Take care and keep hope alive
I have met the most amazing woman who I know I wouldn't have met had I not been on this site. To think she lives less than 2hrs away!! We are so alike in all the ways that most on the site are hopeful they are going to find, yet, we are different in ways that will cause to grow. I know it may sound cliche but I don't know how I've survived all this time without her, she is truly the first beat of my heart.
Jabeauty and NsyncwithU would like to give you a heartfelt "thank you" for developing the site that brought us together.
Take care and God Bless!!!!!

I am doris69 would like to share my love story how I met my soulmate on this site. First of all I want to thank you for this site for helping people like me who are looking for the right soulmate. Well here is my story: I had joined the site some time ago. I had no luck so I said that I would not come back to this site. So some months ago, I went back just to read the success stories. I was soooo impressed about how so many found their soulmates. It impressed me so much that I decided to rejoin again. I am sooo happy that I did. I have not been on a full month when I started going through the profiles of all the men. There was not one that I was impressed with and I was about to get out of this site again, when all of the sudden here came a smile greeting card from walterarnold. But I did not read it. Days went by so I was going through my email. There behold it was more greeting cards from walterarnold. It was then I decided to read the greeting card. The card was hugs and kisses and on it he wrote his ph# and email. He said "I will not be sending any more cards so that is why I sent you my ph# and email. I want to talk to you." I began to fill that he is serious so I gave him a call. He was sooo happy that I called him. He said "I have been waiting for you. Of all of the women, I passed them up for you. I know that you are going be my soulmate and wife." Ever since we have been on the phone every day. I live in NC and he lives in AZ. We never met face to face but we did see each others pictures on our profiles. It is not the appearance that attracts, our converstion was enough. We are very much in love and I will be moving to AZ to live. We will be getting married in June of 2008. We will be sending you a wedding picture. Thank you again! God bless, and for all of you out there hold on God will bless with your soulmate too. doris69

Al (user name edisdog) and I met on Blacksingles. He sent me a smile on July 3, 2007 and I returned one on the July 4th and exchanged emails. We were married on September 7, 2007 and are soul mates. So perfect for one another it is beyond words to describe our love for one another. Everyone says that we are perfect for one another and we both know that God did it. He put us together and what a lovely match. Since everyone knows how we met they ask about the wedsite and we joyfully tell them with divine intervention. God can work through anything even this website so take a chance with love, we did.
Newlyweds Al & Julia
Members dchance30 and worthit770 met via on 10/10/2006. It was the eve of my last day as a full member. After chatting for months, we made an arrangement to finally meet face-to-face on 01/28/2007 for coffee. Afterwards, we went bowling and played pool and have been scoring points at the game of love ever since. He's a really gentle giant with a big heart and a wonderful personality. Thank-you for providing the avenue for us to make each other's acquaintance.
My new husband and I met on blacksingles approximately 3 and half years agp and it was a big transition for both of us to get together via a dating website, but it finally happened and we were married on August 25th in Lafayette, Louisiana were I will soon be moving. Love can happen you just have to believe that it can!! Thank You-From Belinda and Henry!!
Well, I have been blessed. The right man has found me. Sometimes we need to look in front of us and not beyond us.
This man had seen me in church four years ago and wanted to met me afterwards but i left. And just out of the blue he spotted me driving and he followed me and I never knew that he was behind me. If I did I would'nt have known who he was anyway because I never saw him before.
He pulled along the side of me and introduced himself and he told me about how long he has been looking for me and he just happened to be on his way to see his friend and just so happens the man(his friend) lives down the street from me. He has been passing right in front of my house for the last four years.
It wasn't time for us to meet each other until then. And now we are hitting it off very will and he has asked me to marry him. You know I said YES. He's a very good man.
I thank God for him, I have come a long way and just in time for my happiness. Thanks to Tasha for hanging in there with me.
Although she couldn't give me an advise she had my back when I got my notices and smiles.
Here's wishing everyone out there the best of luck.
It all began when I sent bigcity81 a smile, I liked his profile. He responded by sending me his personal email address and phone number. I chose to call and enjoyed the conversation. I tried emailing him at his personal email address but was disappointed when I got no response. I tried several more times over the next few days to no avail. Finally I was ready to give up, thinking he didn't feel the same way after conversing with me on the phone. I tried one more time by sending mail to his blacksingles address letting him know that I was moving on since I did not hear from him. He called me that same night and assured me that he did not receive any email from me in his personal email. We chalked it up to be that he wasn't familiar with my personal email address and they must have gone to his junk since he receives so much mail per day. Anyhow, to show that he was very interested, we decided that we would meet that weekend in a mutual place. I decided to drive down to the Baltimore Harbor to meet him. We really liked each other and decided that he was for me and I for him. I had the best time of my life, we went to a concert in D.C. after spending the day at the Harbor. We have been inseparable ever since and decided to make it official!!! Yes, just like that, we will be married on September 28, 2007. We are both looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together...we are planning to move to San Antonio, Tx in the near future. Thank you Blacksingles, I had been single for the past 6 years without having found the right one for me until now...everything seems like it happened overnight, but we are both very sure and it seems like we have both been looking for each other....we are a perfect fit being a Gemini and and he an Aquarius. Thanks again Blacksingles for helping me find my LOVE.....mssuperwoman69