He's everything I dreamed of. He's the perfect blend and the love of my life.
After months of looking for the right man for me I finally discovered him or should I say we discovered each other and we only live 20 minutes from each other.
My story begins when on June 13, 2006 I received a few smiles from BIGDADDY1067{MICHAEL}. He sent me{EYESTOTHESOUL} a few smiles I ignored them cause I thought they are only smiles and what could those lead to, right? After about 3 or 4 more smiles I finally responded to 1 of them then I sent him an IM. He had just goteen off work and I was just on the computer doodling around. Well it was a little after midnight when he accepted my chat. We chatted for awhile and we exchanged phone numbers. We had a nice conversation and decided that we should meet face to face. So he came to my house, picked me up and we went to a late night breakfast. During our conversation I made note that he had very good eye contact (which is A + in my book), His conversation was on my mental level, he was the cuddly teddy bear type I was looking for and to top it all off, he was a complete gentleman during the whole date. I must say this was a delightful date and I wanted to see more of him.
So we started talking on the phone and we got to know each other and found out that we have a lot in common. The more we talked the more I fell for him. He was everything I had been wanting and waiting for but I couldn't seem to find.
Afater a few more conversations of constant talking we found ourselves spending more and more time together. It started with a few days out of the week then eventually it turned into we found ourselves wanting to see each other everyday in which we did. We had endless conversations about everything because we could talk about anything under the sun.
On July 14, 2007 he sat down with me, looked me in my eyes and asked to be his woman. I gladly accepted. I knew I had found my true soulmate and the love of my life. We've talked about engagement and marriage(stay tuned for updates on that in the upcoming year) Even though we haven't set a date for either one I know I will enjoy being his wife and waking up to see my handsome husband my king on a daily basis.
This is the end of my happy story but before I end it, I wold like to tell everytone that iis looking for that special someone to have hope, keep the faith and pray for the one you want. Don't give up for he or she is out there waiting for you.......You will find them.
Take care and keep hope alive