Success Stories: 2007
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At first I was skeptical about going on a website, but I have met the most wonderful man of God. His name is Tobige and mine is chocolatebunny03. One day I was sweeping and I just dropped my broom on the floor with trash still on the floor and went to the computer. I got on the website and instantly someone came on the screen with his picture and asked me if I wanted to chat. I accepted and then I just decided to give him my phone number so we could talk. We have so much in common and we talked the first day for about 3 hours and then again just about every day and night. We have since met and we really enjoy ourselves together. I have prayed for a man of God and that is exactly what he is. I am so glad we have found each other.

For a long time I have prayed for a specific type of man to come into my life. Well God had to line a few things up for that to happen. Just when I was thinking that...ok this is going to take a while and I said to myself I will just hang out and date here and there until he sends that special someone my way... then... I was contacted by the man of my dreams , not knowing it at the time. I thought it was going to be a nice long distant friendship... well we met and talked for hours and hours.... continued to talk daily, then spent time together, despite the distance, and I knew it was him... the man God had sent to find me. He is everything I asked for... really...Wow! I couldn't ask for a better man to fall in love with. So I say to all of you that are still waiting for that someone to come into your life... be specific and ask God for who you want. Then wait on God and he will move some things around so that you two can meet. Patience is a virtue...
We started talking together June 19th 2006. I was Tissem93 and he was Dave1776!!
I was living in France (Paris) and he is living in US (San Antonio, TX). At the beginning, it seemed to be impossible to have such a long distance relationship, but we handled it and during the first year we traveled between France and US to see each other.
It was love at first sight!! So, we decided to move in together and so I came to the US. We are so much more in love now and more and more everyday passing. Thanks God !!! We're getting married Oct. 19th 2007 and we are very happy !!!
THANK YOU BlackSingles and Melissa (my best girlfriend who made me discover that website).
Tissem93 & Dave1776
I decided to join BlackSingles although I was pretty skeptical about this form of match making. Although I kept my expectations low, I proceeded to join and communicated with several individuals. About 6 weeks after joining, I was sent a card by Chrismore who lives in another country than myself, but it so happened to be the country of my birth. He also lives in the same city which I was born so it sparked my interest...I IM'd him soon after and we talked. Still not expecting anything seeing that we were miles apart, I tried to keep it casual and friendly, but soon we could not deny the love that was growing between us. I finally accepted it and we are now a couple, planning to get married within the next year...I would rather be with no-one else but Chrismore. We are perfect for each other and truely believe that it is God's intention for us to be together....Thanks Blacksingles....Natss

I am proud to inform you that your site has brought me to the love of my life. I joined your site in December of 2006. I was on the site for a little over a week when I received a smile from Xavier12. I never thought it would go anywhere because he was in VA and I was in NJ. Little did I know, we would connect on every level. After 3 months, he made a huge sacrifice and relocated to NJ. Since his relocation, our relationship has taken off.
On November 10, 2007, I started out my day with a card and roses. The day continued with different clues that ultimately led me to my boyfriend, who asked me to marry him.
We just wanted to say thank you for creating a site that has allowed us to find one another. Thanks Black Singles
Found a great girl... Thanks LDS Singles!
I never thought I would meet the man of my dreams at this point in my life, but I did. After seeing narc on the site I decided to e-mail him and after talking to him, I, albans196, knew he was the man of my dreams. We exchanged telephone numbers and talked to each other three or four times every day. Narc lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and I live New York City. I invited Narc to visit me and he did. When I saw him for the first time, I knew that he was everything I ever wanted in a man. We spent three wonderful days together. He met most of my family, attended Church and Sunday School with me. I loved every moment we were together.
We have decided to continue seeing each other and pursue a life time commitment to each other.
I writing your site to let you know that I used to be a member in Jan. and Feb. I met a very special man; he only became a member so he could read my e-mail. He is from Houston, Texas. Since we have met on this site, David has moved to Illinois were I live. We automatically clicked the first time we chatted. He is everything I ever looked for in a man. He is a wonderful provider and a great role model in my children's lives. We both fell in love with one another. I wanted to take out some time to thank you and your web site for bringing us together! We have plans to marry real soon. Thanks again, Robin
Almost 2 months ago now I was surfing this site. I found my "Bestfriend" I wasn't exactly looking for him, but he just showed up! And boy am I glad he did!!! There has not been a day that has passed within a 24hour period where we haven't Talked, Texted, or Emailed. He is all and so much more than what I ever expected! More than that he has shown me true friendship through his honesty and consistancy. He has truely made a lasting impression in my life. He once told me that I am "Crazy" enough for him to feel me, I am "Genuine" enough for him to cry with me, I am "Sweet" enough for him to taste me, But most importantly my Spirit is just "Beautiful" enough for him to "Connect" with me and "Trust "me. (I feel all the above triple time because he is just "Perfect" enough for me!
I don't know where this Beautiful Friendship is headed but I'm happy to just be along for the ride.