Success Stories: 2007
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I had been a member of BlackSingles for about two years and have now finally found a reason to remove my profile. I have met the man of my dreams and who God has intended for me to marry on BlackSingles. His user name was mlkbrous (he removed his profile also) and mine was ms_rednlovely1. After months of inactivity I finally went back into my account and saw that he had sent me cards and smiles because we were never online at the same time. And he was a new member of only a month. And finally we connected after a few more tries because he was persistent and knew right away that we belonged together. And I am so glad that he did not give up on me. We both are computer people and plan to work together in the field in the near future to make a better life for our family. We have discussed marriage on several occasions (everyday) and I plan to move with my daughter to his home to live with him as soon as humanly possible. We both live in Arkansas and live less than 100 miles apart. Yay! He has a 12 year old son and I have a 13 year old daughter and a 19 year old son. And guess what? We’ve only known each other for about a month and a half but we know we are meant to be together because we talk on the phone everyday for hours and never run out of things to talk about. The quality of our conversations is always superior. We both like to laugh and live life to the fullest. I plan to see him this weekend and it will be our first meeting (Oct. 12, 2007). He has seen pictures of me and I’ve seen a couple of him but that does not even matter. What matters is that our hearts and God have already given us the sanction that we need to join together and become one and finally bring our families together for a lifetime of love and happiness. If allowed, we will surely keep you up to date on our upcoming marriage. Thank you BlackSingles!!!!
This may sound crazy but it is true. At first I didn't believe in love at first sight but it can happen. I was online on Blacksingles when I noticed uniqueandbold (Reuben) online also. So I took a chance and IM'd him. He responded and we hit it off well. We agreed to meet in a neutral place on a Saturday. He had about a 3 hour drive to meet me. As I waited for him to arrive, I almost passed out from anticipation. It was like a firecracker being lit as far as the build-up. And when we laid eyes on each other, it exploded!
The area we met was so romantic. We had lunch, walked around, and talked about everything. It was a day that I'll never forget. I knew right then that I have met my husband. He is truly my knight in shining armor. Thank you, Blacksingles. You have proven that there are good men out there.

I was on BlackSingles for a while and had talked to many people. I thought about giving up on finding someone who was compatible with me. One day I got a smile from derrickhustle27, it took me a couple days to respond back because of my previous unsuccess with others. I finally wrote him a message back to thank him for the comment and then we talked through mail. Finally we moved to talking on the phone. He asked myself out on date and I accepted. I was very nervous meeting him but the date went great! Everything clicked just right with us and we have a great deal of things in common. Since the first day we spoke on BlackSingles, we do not go a day without talking to each other on the phone and we always talk for hours! We also go out to different places as much as we can to have fun and enjoy each other company! Although he lives on the Eastern Shore of MD and I live in East Baltimore County of MD (with a big bridge separating us : D ), we still make time to see each other. Thanks to BlackSingles, I finally met the guy that makes me smile, care about my feelings, romantic and loves to have fun. We may be heading in a serious relationship because there is talk of meeting the parents! : )
I just wanted to thank you! If you have the right attitude, your website really does deliver! I have been blessed with meeting guy44, we have been so fortunate and we owe it all to you. Tony is a wonderful man and who knows what the future holds for us but for right now we love each others company we miss one another when we are apart. We visit each other quite often and we call each other every day, several times a day. We love each other and when the New Year comes in we will be living in the same state! I found a wonderful new job in South Carolina and we both are looking forward to spending our lives together. Thank you BlackSingles!
PEACHES323 and guy44!
In December 2005, nomaster greeted me with an email and requested that we meet. I was flattered but a little skeptical because he did not post his photo. When he emailed his photo and asked to meet, I agreed. He agreed to drive from Maryland to a children's Christmas workshop in Philadelphia, where I volunteer my time, for us to meet. There was instant chemistry and attraction. He volunteered with me that day and really enjoyed it...I was so impressed. BSC was so correct to report a 100% compatibility for our profiles.
Six months after meeting, I met his family. From the very start until now, our love has been magical!!!
Ever since December 17th, 2005, our love for one another has continued to grow in such a lovely way--with patience, kindness, rejoicing in the right, bearing all things, believing, hoping, that our love will never end.
He exemplifies what a strong, loving and responsible man is. I truly enjoy and love him. We are planning to grow old, but young at heart together.
I love him so very much!! Thank you BSC!!!
As a long time blacksinglesconnection member, I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would marry the man who was a zero match for me. I was a 97% match for him. Silly of me, I did not realize that I put on the distance section of the type of match for me 0-500 miles. We both were matches for each other. From day one, my husband and I hit it off. We would talk for hours, I mean a lot of hours online; 5.5 hours to be exact on many days. We talked online for approx. 2.25 years before I got up the courage to meet him across the Atlantic Ocean to Nigeria! I spent a week with him and his family. I advise every African American to visit the motherland to connect with your roots! It is an amazing experience! We both fell in love with each other all over again during my visit to Nigeria. He was all that he portrayed online, but even more! And more being a good thing! We got married this year, Sept. 2007. Thank you Blacksinglesconnection and Tasha for your support and help in assisting singles in finding their one true love! You certainly helped my husband and I, as we both were about to give up on love before registering to your site. To all the singles out there, never give up on finding that one person to love for the rest of your life! I gave up finding a man through dating in person, but online there are more chances to find the right person for me. Who says that the person you should marry is only in the country you are in? It is not true....just remember me and you will know the answer to that question. I say goodbye site, and thank you again for all of your help in finding my man!!!!
After much coaching from a friend, I found the nerve to step outside of the box and joined blacksingles "for only one month". Who would have thought that within that time frame, I would meet that special someone! We have what I would describe as the right amount of commonalities, and just enough differences to keep it interesting and to round off making for a fabulous match. Things are great and after seeing each other exculsively for several months now, we agreed that it was time to remove our profiles from the site.
Thanks blacksingles!
PS We'll be sure to send you an invite if there is ever a wedding!
Me(sportyblack32) and my fiance(ridingdirty) met on BlackSingles and from the moment go we were mezmarized with one another. We are both professionals and have very busy lives. The one thing we both lacked was someone to really love and someone to really love us. Then here came BlackSingles to the rescue. We chatted, we sent smiles, we exchanged numbers, all of which you(BlackSingles) made possible. Now we are engaged to be married. Thank you so much BlackSingles. You changed our lives forever.
Thanks again
I had not become a full member yet but had received many smiles, cards, emails, and profiles. There was one particular man that had tried to get my attention on several occasions, but for some reason I just never responded. On Sunday, September 16, 2007, I came home after work, very tired and exhausted, a quiet voice said log on. Before this night, I had removed my profile several times and restored it back several times(O ye of little faith). But on this night, I logged on, WOW! Here he was again, I decided to correspond with him this time. It was 12:30am when we started mingling, it was 4:10am when we got off the computer and started conversating on the phone. We have not stopped talking yet! We are so much alike and we have so much in common. I was just about to give up and throw in the towel, but I'm so glad that God loves me. I know that there is something great about to happen between us, and we will keep you posted Blacksingles.