Success Stories: 2007
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I met a young man here on the site only a little while after I signed on. His name is Eddie and we have been chatting for some time now. On my very recent conversation with him on 7/19/07 the subject of getting married came up again. Yes he had asked me before so I have had some time to think about it. There is not more than a day or two go by that we don't email or instant message each other. We met on BlackSingles and took communication off to a more personal area. I didn't remove my profile because there were others who had contacted me and wanted to stay in touch. Plus the fact that the site is a wonderful place to meet friends. The date has been set for November 19th of this year as the date get closer I will be more that grateful to share more with BlackSingles.
This is LKC1(Linda Kay) I joined back in January and was very disappointed with the first man I met.
But God is good and I did log back on one last time and I met the man of my dreams. His name is Darrell and we met on on April 12, 2007. We have been a hot item every since.
We became engaged on June the 13th and have set a wedding date November 11, 2007. His code name was DarioP19. He is Latino and is a CPA. We are
very much in love and I have referred another friend to your network and she has met a very nice guy from Florida.
I did find what I was looking for, someone who truly says that he loves me and wants me to be his wife. Isn't that GREAT!!!!! I am blessed
because God truly put us together. I had prayed so hard for this service to be successful for me, and it was. Good things come to those who wait and I feel I had waited all my life for him to come along. I am so happy and grateful. This service can and will work if you ask God to direct the right person to you.
A Satisfied Former User,
Linda Kay

In April 2007 I ran across his page and thought he sounded real cool to be friends with. We started out real cool and neither one of us was "looking" for anyone, we both wanted to just enjoy life with our children. We ended up clicking and before we knew it we fell for each other prior to ever meeting. We met in person & fell more in love, got engaged in July 2007 and due to be married in September 2007. We live over 2,000 miles apart but I'm relocating to his town when we wed. I have truly met someone that I love and he loves me on a spiritual and emotional level!
Our story involves a mutual decision based on personality traits which led us to discover that real beauty in a relationship goes beyond superficial appearances. Our attraction was triggered by a combination of physical and inner attributes and consumated like flowers blooming in bright sunlight. Love isn't really love until you feel it in your heart, body, and soul. Needless to say the total worth of a near perfect match can only be blessed by a Power higher than any earthly domain. Thank you Tasha and all of the Black Singles staff for enabling this unity to take place on your wonderful site. Hope to talk to you soon. Take care all! Bronson & Vicki.
I have enjoyed my time here on BS, but as of this moment I have met the man I will spend the rest of my life with...!!! His name is Anthony, and we are making plans to map out our future together and I couldn't be more happy. I came across his photo by chance one day and sent him a smile, and the rest is history!!! He lives in Vegas, works in New York at the moment, and flew half way across the US to see me in AZ. I was most impressed with his candor about life, love, and happiness and noticed we have the same concept that if you are feelin it, make it happen!!! So we are!!! I truly have met my match, the man to compliment me in every sense of the word, and see myself on the front porch with him, watching the sunset, and loving every moment we will have from that point forward. He is what I have waited for all my life, and the trip was hard, but the end result was more than worth it. We are making plans to marry in the near future, the sooner the better for us, but I know we will take our time and do it right... This will be our first real step in contentment, and we are so right for each other, everything else will fall into its place, and together we will meet it with open arms...
Thank you BS for helping 2 people come together, and see love for the first time....
Chris aka "noplayersplease" and Anthony aka tm reality69... :~)
From my presence on this site I have met a wonderful man. He speaks to my heart in the Language of Love that I most respond to. Our love is unique and valuable. From this moment on I will honor it by giving all the focused attention I have. Thank you to all of you who have become good friends thru this site.
...My lover thrust his hand throught he latch opening;
my heart began to pound for him.
I arose to open for my lover,
and my hands dripped with myrrh,
my fingers with flowing myrrh,
on the handles of the lock.
"Song of Songs 5:2-5 (NIV)
IT was strange how things happened in the beginning. I knew of her but really didn't know much. I had seen her in local settings around town, but we had never really been introduced. One night after seeing her at a local watering hole we had seen each other but neither one of us made the first move. The next day I spotted her profile on Blacksingles and decided to e-mail her. That day the the follwing week we talked constantly like we had been drawn together by some magical force. And here we are a few weeks later wondering how we never crossed paths before and having a blast together. We couldn't be happier. Thank you blacksingles!!!!
I signed up on May 15th. DBrent signed up on May 12th. Black singles sent me some matches on May 16th. DBrent was one of them. I read his profile and was very intrigued. I sent him a smile. He smiled back. It was instant attraction. We went on our first date on the May 19th. We have been inseparable ever since. When we are not together, we talk on the telephone for hours on end. It was truly love at first site. We want to thank Black Singles for being the conduit that brought DBrent and Surreal82 together.
Well people it has been wonderful here on B/S. I found a young lady who is a beautiful person to me she is all that and more. We met on Black Singles some how we kept passing on each other profiles and one day she decided to IM me and that night we chatted for about three hours. Then the next night we chatted for about two hours and we have been chatting on a daily basis ever since. She came to see me and we had a great time laughing and talking. She is right for me and I am right for her. In short we are a match. I would like to say thanks to my new found friends in the chat room you know who u are and thanks to my baby for IMing me for without her doing that we may have never found each other. Also thanks to Black Singles for their program I had my concerns when I first started but my mind quickly changed as I chatted more with people and then I met that special Young Lady who is the lite of my life. Well once again thanks B/S it has been a blast......PEACE