Makes me smile

I was on BlackSingles for a while and had talked to many people. I thought about giving up on finding someone who was compatible with me. One day I got a smile from derrickhustle27, it took me a couple days to respond back because of my previous unsuccess with others. I finally wrote him a message back to thank him for the comment and then we talked through mail. Finally we moved to talking on the phone. He asked myself out on date and I accepted. I was very nervous meeting him but the date went great! Everything clicked just right with us and we have a great deal of things in common. Since the first day we spoke on BlackSingles, we do not go a day without talking to each other on the phone and we always talk for hours! We also go out to different places as much as we can to have fun and enjoy each other company! Although he lives on the Eastern Shore of MD and I live in East Baltimore County of MD (with a big bridge separating us : D ), we still make time to see each other. Thanks to BlackSingles, I finally met the guy that makes me smile, care about my feelings, romantic and loves to have fun. We may be heading in a serious relationship because there is talk of meeting the parents! : )