Success Stories: 2006
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I signed up on Black Singles in June. On the day that I signed up, I was browsing to see just what this site had to offer over the other online dating sites. I was very amazed to see that there were so many Black Single women out there looking for that special someone. I then came across my now fiance who went by the name Classy grl001. I sent her a smile. She took a look at my profile and replied back. This was unexpected to me, especially since I had no pictures posted. I proceeded to post pictures and because I was so busy at the time forgot all about it until one day a few weeks later she sent me an email. We went back and forth for a couple of more weeks with the smiles until one day we both happen to be online at the same time. We exchanged a few IM's and from there decided to exchange numbers. We then began to talk over the phone everyday and do video chats on MSN for three months. Until finally I just had to meet her in person. This was some 3 months later. She was everything that she said she was, and that I had hoped she would be. Even though she is in Chicago and I am in New Jersey, we still made a connection. We are madly in love with each other and are making plans even as of now for me to move there and for us to have a life together. It doesn't matter about the distance between two people, what really matters is how sincere and dedicated you are to making thing work out with someone that sparks your interest. Up until this point in time I had been single for 3 1/2 years and no one that I had encountered in that time had made me feel the way she did. Thanks for your assistance and to all of you still searching know what it is that you are looking for and don't settle for something close. Because with all the people that are on here there is bound to be someone that meets your every criteria. Don't give up, hang on, be strong.
One Love!
I received a smile from this fabulous man on Sept 20th of this year. We instantly started emailing and chatting with each other. Being in the age group that we are, you don't just wait around, because frankly we basically know what we want from experience. I made the drive to Houston to meet with him. We had a wonderful time getting know each other. I just started my membership recently and will probably be coming off in December. Thank You Black for the introduction. He is an awesome man and my soulmate. "Deborah"
Good Morning Black Singles. Tasha = MommaC11 has met her match in Micah1st - we have not personally met yet but we are communicating via email and phone a lot. We both feel as though we were made for each other and have found out that we have a lot in common and will not let the distance deter us from furthering this romance. We are in the process of making plans to meet and spend thanksgiving together. In my heart, I feel as though I have met my soulmate. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this web site even though it was only for a moment. I will keep you posted on our further developments MommaC11and Micah1st
I met a wonderful man who is an electrical engineer from Norfolk Virgina. I have never dreamt that I could have ever found someone so special from the city of Norfolk. He is 7 years younger than I am but he is just crazy about me. Even though we are so far apart we still maintain our relationship between New York and Virgina by traveling once a month and calling each other each day. I am planning to relocate to Virgina next year. Meeting this man made me feel very special and like a teenager again. When we started to chat on black singles his profile never had any picture and I am happy I did start a conversation with him. So whenever you see a profile without a picture that interest you go right ahead and start a chat because you never know you could be missing out someone special big time. I wish all you blacksingles members good luck and do not give up. I was on this site for almost 8 months before I met my special someone, so I hope you all will meet your special someone soon. His profile name was a2004blackman,and mine was simone11.
Candyman11 and I (SpiritualChristianWoman) connected from the time we received the message that we said YES! He is a kind, spiritual, compassionate and loving person and that's the kind of person I was searching for; instead, he found me. We will be meeting the end of this month for the first time. He will traveling to Florida for the first time. Until then, the telephone calls continously come daily. I want to thank God first and you for being used as an instrument for us to connect. May God Bless You.
SpiritualChristianWoman & Candyman11
On September the 12, 2006 I was going through my e-mails I had exactly 999
of them, so I started deleting them and as I was deleting, I said to my self I
never see anyone from Shreveport on this singles line, as I spoke those very
words I opened up an e-mail from black singles and to my surprise a young
man that I had loved 20 years ago (dl214) was my ideal match. I could not
believe what I was seeing. I asked myself lord have you been trying to tell me
something all these years and I wasn't listening. I lost my father 4 years
ago and I gave up on living. I was angry at God because he took the most
precious thing in my life away, my life fell apart, every time I would say to God
I can't take no more, more tragedy would happen. My mothers house blew up,
my sister was badlly injured, someone that was near and dear to me committed
suicide while I was on the phone with them, and my marriage failed. I was so
bitter I would not let anyone in to love me. I pushed everyone away, but for
some reason Mr dl214 would some how manage to find me at my weakest times in my life, it's almost as if he knew when I need a kind word. dl214 lives in Germany, I( sexxygirl10 ) live in our home town of Shreveport. I never would
have thought that when I spoke with God on all those lonely nights, that he would have so many blessings for me once I decided that I couldn't do this thing called life on my own, so I gave it all over to him. God has transformed
me into a new person and I am so thankful that through everything that I indured I never lost faith, and he has blessed me with a man that I fell in love with 20 years ago and I will be forever greatful to the heavens above this
was a love planted and now it has blossomed. What are the odds of getting an e-mail from millions of miles away, that's from your ideal mate? And, you once loved them? This happens once in a lifetime. My heart is so full of joy
and I want everyone to know that if they just hold on and believe that God will supply all of their needs, their lives will never be the same. I dare you to try him. Every since that lonely night Set12 There has not been a day
that I haven't e-mailed dl214 and let him know how thankful I am to have him
in my life . We both believe that God was preparing us for one another, this
blessing I will treat with love kindness and respect. I will let you know when the wedding is. God worked a miracle through your website Thanks
Hey all you lovers seeking potential lovers, my name is BJ and I have used this Black Singles network for only 2 mos. and I was very fortunate to meet almost two hands full of friends, lovers, potential lovers and potential wives. I'm very pleased w/the ability afforded me through this vessel. And the cost made it pallatable(I think I spelled that right). I advise you to know what you're lookin' 4 and check out the options here. I am a SBM and I at first expected to find only SBFs but to my surprise, there's a whole other world out there, all colours of beautiful Queens, and I found enough to satisfy me at this point in time. All I can say is enjoy the BSs vouyage, hope you find the love or friend of your life too.
I met a wonderful man Anthony1956 and we have decided to walk lifes journey together. I know that this man is part of my God ordained future. We have respect and love for each other and this man makes my heart smile. I encourage the remaining members to stay the course and pray because God does hear and answer prayers, I knew this character before I new his name, it's as if I've known him for years in my heart , and he is everything I had prayed for.
SassyLady553 & Anthony1956
Blacksingles listed Shebasolomon40 and I as a 93% match. It's been more 100%. Shebasolomon40 and I met by phone on Aug 31. Conversation was wonderful. In 2 weeks after learning we lived 15 mins apart, we decided it was time to meet. All I can say is, smiles & hugs are in the air.