She was everything that she said she was.

I signed up on Black Singles in June. On the day that I signed up, I was browsing to see just what this site had to offer over the other online dating sites. I was very amazed to see that there were so many Black Single women out there looking for that special someone. I then came across my now fiance who went by the name Classy grl001. I sent her a smile. She took a look at my profile and replied back. This was unexpected to me, especially since I had no pictures posted. I proceeded to post pictures and because I was so busy at the time forgot all about it until one day a few weeks later she sent me an email. We went back and forth for a couple of more weeks with the smiles until one day we both happen to be online at the same time. We exchanged a few IM's and from there decided to exchange numbers. We then began to talk over the phone everyday and do video chats on MSN for three months. Until finally I just had to meet her in person. This was some 3 months later. She was everything that she said she was, and that I had hoped she would be. Even though she is in Chicago and I am in New Jersey, we still made a connection. We are madly in love with each other and are making plans even as of now for me to move there and for us to have a life together. It doesn't matter about the distance between two people, what really matters is how sincere and dedicated you are to making thing work out with someone that sparks your interest. Up until this point in time I had been single for 3 1/2 years and no one that I had encountered in that time had made me feel the way she did. Thanks for your assistance and to all of you still searching know what it is that you are looking for and don't settle for something close. Because with all the people that are on here there is bound to be someone that meets your every criteria. Don't give up, hang on, be strong.
One Love!