Success Stories: 2009
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I met Gregory, username Babyhair, on your site, with the use of the "sparks" feature. It allowed us to ask some interesting questions to each other and each time rather than the predetermined answers, we always chose to answer in depth and it helped us find out so much more. I'm so grateful to this site. In a matter of weeks, we fell in love because we were so compatible. He's handsome, funny, smart, and very caring. We are now talking marriage and happily ever after! Thanks BlackSingles! Much success to everyone else. It works!
We both are dedicated Christians. I have been looking for the right woman to share my life with and I have found her. We both love each other so much and we have been planning out our future together as husband and wife. We have been looking for a while and we knew when we saw and read each others profile, that this is the right match that God has sent. We have planned our marriage with God in the center of us. This is a wonderful web site. I thank God for this site and I want to tell you thanks so much from the bottom of our hearts.
Best wishes
tigerb52 and ladybug108
Andrew and I met very soon after I had become a member and with both of us knowing and living for God we knew exactly what we both wanted in a lifetime partner. So neither of us would just settle for anyone.
About the time I was about to give up, he wrote and then he sent his number. I finally called him after a week and we began talking. We fell in love right away. His loving kindness and dedication plus his devotion to God was wonderful. We both knew we were for each other right away. We would talk every day a few times and well into the night.
He is coming this week and we will be booking our cruise and setting our wedding date for sometime in October (although he would love to do it now).
I truly love him and he never allows an hour to go by after he is off work without telling me how much he loves and appreciates me and my daughter. Had it not been for BlackSingles, I would not have met this wonderful man of GOD. So thank you so much Black Singles!!!
Janice & Andrew (shotgunminister)
Well, I just put my thoughts together and put it down the way I meant it and the sisters loved my statement. I got a lot of compliment's and positive responses. Then I got this one response from a woman who had no photo, but her response to my statement definitely was so perfect in response to mine. It didn't matter what she looked like or where she was from, I knew my search was over right then and there. Fellas, she could pass for a smaller version of Kimora Lee, so stop judging books by their cover. Just because there isn't a face to go with that profile, it doesn't mean you don't have "the bomb" waiting for you! I got mine. Thank you again! I'm so happy, I've got to go work this excitement off. I already gut busted yelling like I'm crazy!

I've never been one to get on a dating website. I kept getting mail from BlackSingles, so one day I decided to try it out. I joined BlackSingles on July 16, 2006 for one month. The last day that my contract was to end I met my true love, which was on August 16 around 8:30 pm. I only had a couple of hours left. I IM'ed him and he did not response back right away. Then later on he response back to me. He gave me his phone number and we had a long talk. Then after a couple of days we met. He was everything that I wanted in a man. After 3 months we moved in together. We have been together for 2 years. Then on my birthday
July 18, 2008, he surprised me in bed with breakfast and had an engagement ring on the handle of a fork. Of course I accepted. We are very happy. We got married on April 17, 2009. Thank you BlackSingles! I never thought that I would find happiness like I have with Khamil. I have the best husband that I could ever ask for. We will be together 3 years on August 16, 2009. For anyone that does not believe that you can find your mate on BlackSingles, I am telling you that you can. Thanks again!
Mr & Mrs Khamil
I connected with a great lady in August of 2004. In a week we will celebrate another wedding anniversary. We are happy as we continue to build on the communication and relationship that we started online at BlackSingles.
It started with a smile that she sent my way ... then we IM'd, Chatted, e-mailed, phone called, and ultimately met. And now ... here we are!
To those seeking love, keep finds a way to connect the right people.
Jrok72 sent me a smile on Mother's Day. We immediately began sending emails and started communicating on the phone within a day or so. We sent numerous text messages and had several conversations on the phone, which led to us meeting face to face on that Thursday. I was prepared for him to disappointment me as others have. To my surprise, he was different from other guys I had met. He was not a disappointment. Ever since that day, we have made sure that we talked, emailed, and sent text messages to each other, even when he had to travel for work. We have had several conversations that have challenged me to look closely at myself, what I want, and the man who was in front of me. Some of those conversations were difficult, but we managed to get through them and are happy to say that we are prepared to move forward with with other. I honestly believe I have found the person I am meant to be with.
Brooknyam and Embracelife4ever...From two different worlds, yet we shared the same desire to connect with someone special. It's funny we were both up late and I had to go to work the next day, but interest was piqued. And so it has been 5 weeks today and we've spoken every day for at least 2 hours and are now in a committed relationship. This proves that Love is there for you if you are patient and put God first!
Dre821 is the love of my life. On the night of May 14,2009, it was love at first sight. Once we met, we could not stop being around each other. I thank God daily for this blessing and I also pray that marriage is in our future. We really compliment each other and he's just the type of man that'll sweep you off your feet! Just when I thought there was no hope left for me and relationships, I was introduced to him, then chemistry took over. This is my soulmate and it was definitely worth the wait. God may not give you your blessing when you ask, BUT he's always on time and you'll definitely know it was from him. Yes..good things do come to those who wait, so patience is a virtue. Thank you Black for making my dream a reality. Dre and I are truly lovers for life...