Success Stories: 2009
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Thank you BLACKSINGLES, for the opportunity to become acquainted with some of the most intelligent, sincere, kind and passionate men (about Christ, family & life) on the East Coast. It’s been approximately a year since my active membership and it has gone by rapidly. Nonetheless, many fantastic things have happened in the lives of two of your former members, myself, NUBIANJOI0708 and MIGHTYMANOFGOD1. Below is a copy of our official engagement and wedding announcement. Meanwhile, we’ll send pictures as soon as possible.
Thank you again to the Founder and staff of BLACKSINGLES. To God be the glory for all the wonderful things He has done!
Simone & Shaolin
With great pleasure
We are pleased to announce
The engagement of NUBIANJOI0708 (Simone)
We will be joined together
In holy matrimony on
Saturday, the tenth of October
Two thousand and nine
We met via We first started chatting through instant messenger. Then we exchanged phone numbers and talked on the phone. It was a wonderful conversation and we learned that we actually had a lot in common. Then we decided to meet - we went to dinner and that went so well we decided to go to a movie. The sparks flew and we only want to see each other exclusively. This all happened in one day. Wow - please don't wake me up!
I had become disillusioned hoping to find the woman meant for me. I had prayed for a sign that God had answered my fervent prayers. Little did I know that Sy, my match was praying for and experiencing the same thing. We had read each others profile and discovered that we has so much in common. Sy contacted me by message and let me know clearly that she was interested in me. So I responded and introduced myself. As we began to become better acquainted, we both became shocked at how our lives and experiences were an exact mirror of the other. It was as she could read my thoughts and feel my every emotion. I felt as if I had always known her. Our spirits became entwined and it was clear that something special was at work. She was everything that I had dreamed to find, and her sentiments were the same for me. We really felt that there was no further reason to pursue other relationships. Our hearts and minds are focused on this relationship, as we both feel that our fervent prayers were answered. Now, we place it all in the hands of God and dedicate our success to Him. And secondly, to BlackSingles for such a great site.
I met a wonderful human being named MFreeman here on this site. He is very kind, considerate, humorous, and full of chivalry. We are getting to know one another with every day that passes and counting our blessings along the way. We are both very hopeful for what the future may bring and feel quite fortunate to have met each other when we did. It's going to be a beautiful journey full of endless possibilities for us. Thank you Black Singles, for helping us to make the ultimate connection.

After much hesitation, I decided to try online dating. I always stated my status as looking for friends, because to me a strong relationship should focus on a solid friendship first. Additionally, I wasn't sure if I truly was ready to date. So, not to give anyone false hope, I never said I was dating, just looking for friends, this in my opinion would reduce the possibilities of pressure.
Well, after a few months of conversations and a few unhopefuls, I met someone. My new love interest came when I really had become unhopeful. Had I never created a profile on BlackSingles, I honestly feel our paths would never have crossed. It took us a minute to finally meet in person, but once we met ...I instantly felt the first flutter within my heart. It was like I had an instant crush and I felt he could possibly be my soulmate; but my thoughts were, "Slow down, better be careful...sometimes things are too good to be true."
We first made contact on BlackSingles in October of 2007, met in person in March of 2008; now some months later we have become a couple. We decided we will walk and not run, continue to get to know each other and fortify our castle together, while strengthening our relationship and its future. Today, we have agreed to be committed to each other and work towards that next level all relationships aspire to. Two worlds working to become one...may God bless us and maybe this time next year "Stong_Willed" and "Canwetalkmydear" will be Mr & Mrs.
That special someone I met meets all my expectations. He's confident in his manhood, spiritual, loving, passionate and is not afraid to say he loves me. I look forward to being with him for a long, long, long time. He is truly my soulmate, friend and partner.

I only posted my photo occasionally and luigid927 sent me a message inquiring about my city location. We happen to be in the same town. So after talking on the phone a few weeks we decided to meet. We dated and had so much in common. He bought me flowers quite often and is a Born Again Christian, which is very important to me. We met last August, became engaged in November and were married on Valentine's Day. You never know what God has planned for you sometimes. He can use a dating site such as this one to bring you your true Soul Mate.
I renewed my BlackSingles account for the third time for only a month to check my mail hoping MY REAL MATCH had showed up. There was no good news so I began looking at other members and saw an old acquaintance. put me back in touch with a gentleman I use to do parties with 33 years ago. We were part of an entertainment group where we hosted Ole School Dances where up to 1500 people attended. We never had any personal dealings and very seldom even spoke to each other. So me being me, when I saw he was online I sent him an IM to tease him about being in the same boat I was in, "LOOKIN" for LOVE and COMPANIONSHIP". At that time, I didn't know he had sent me a comment about my profile and I didn't know he was noted as a 94% match for me.
Anyway, we started chatting and exchanged phone numbers. We had brunch the next day, lunch and dinner the next four days and we decided, after I told him I was serious about not playing skin games to make something out of our new connection. He assured me he is not a PLAYER and that he wasn't going anywhere. It was a very easy decision for me to select him as MY MATCH because he is such an attentive person and a gentleman. I like everything about him. And as I reflected back to when we worked together, I noticed that he was all about our work and he never flirted with the ladies which made me feel he is trustworthy. We talk about everything and he makes me feel like I'm a Queen. I've been able to do things with him that I've never been able to do with any other man, so I'm happy. At this point, WE ARE HAPPY and we have talked about the possibility of marriage.
He decided not to renew his membership and we decided to remove our profiles. Thank you because I had basically given up. So as we feel our way into our new beginnings, HOLD US UP IN PRAYER and or WISH US the BEST of LUCK because we are both SENIORS and we need a GOOD PERSON in our lives. And while I made a lot of friends on, I pray you never see MY/OUR happy faces on again.
Take care and God bless.
Rosalind & David
God answered my prayers!
I am thankful to God for sending me someone that is caring, understanding and appreciative of me. We meet online January 12th, 2009 and we have been soulmates ever since. We made an instant connection on email and then on the phone. Our first date was February 7th, 2009. It was love at first sight!
I live in Massachusetts and he in New Jersey. He has decided to move to Massachusetts soon and we hope to be wed next year 2010.