Success Stories: 2009
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On Feb.13th, I sent a smile to "faithful2theking" whom I was very attracted to from the moment I saw her profile and her beautiful smile. From the first time we chatted, I knew we were destined to be together. Every since we started talking, she has brought a new found joy into my life! We have so much in common. I am looking forward to spending the rest of our life together. I am planning on the best proposal ever! Stay tuned for further details. If it God's will, we will unite as husband and wife in the summer of 2010.
I am him and he is me. I came out of him and he has placed me back where I belong - right by his side. Ours is a story of how God works in the most miraculous of ways. I had to go through the frogs in order to recognize my prince when he came. Having only been on for 6 days, the best man that has EVER happened to me sent me a card telling me he believed I was what he was looking for and to pray about him. But I really only needed to ask God to help me be what he needed me to be as his wife, because my soul already knew he was my husband from our first conversation. He is EVERYTHING I desire in a husband and father to my daughters. We love each other dearly. And to anyone who is skeptical about finding love in a matter of days, remember - a day is as a 1,000 years to the Lord and He does ALL things well.
Thank you,!
lovelyindeed and method875
I met Michael on here in October of 2007. It was like I had met my soul mate. We spoke on-line for a while and it was like we were supposed to be together. We met up in November for a date. We continue to speak on the phone everyday and we spend every minute together. The things that he says make me feel special. We are still together 16 months later, all thanks to BlackSingles. Also, we are expecting are first child together.
Thank You BlackSingles!

OneCuriousFemale gets up the courage to follow in the footsteps of a friend and registers on for one month to check things out and meet a potential friend/partner (11/05/08). One month later (12/05/08), and without much success, she decides to renew the membership for an additional three months. One day after renewing her membership (12/06/08), she is contacted by Sharkjb. Sharkjb had previously been a casual member and was pondering renewing his membership because he was not regularly visiting the site. On 12/06/08, he decided to go ahead and renew for an additional six months. On this day he reached out to OneCuriousFemale. A ten-hour phone conversation later and they were like old friends. In the last three months, there has only been one day that we have not spoken. That day was the day after that first ten-hour conversation. There have since been SEVERAL 2-3 hours conversations and a conversation that lasted from 9 at night until 8:30 the next morning! There is some distance between us so communication is important to us and we visit when we can. I was definitely an online-dating skeptic and would have never thought I would try it or even meet a potential partner. But the Sun, the Moon and the Stars finally lined up for me and I am grateful to for being the vehicle that got us together and to my new best friend, Sharkjb for reaching out to me!
I would like to say thanks to BlackSingles. I was reluctant about coming on the site, but it was worth it because I have found a wonderful man with the same qualities that I have. He is nice, romantic, and has a great sense of humor. He is also respectful, hardworking, loves to travel and loves his family. He's also responsible, caring love kids and is a good family man. I was about to give up on the site until I found Jr. I 'm so happy that we found each other and we are going to share the rest of our life together and have peace, joy and happiness. He found a good woman and that is me indeed. Good-luck to everyone and thanks BlackSingles.
Benard and I meet just two weeks before my membership expired. We bonded since the first time we met and have not separated ever since. He is my man, my friend and my soul mate. I am very happy to be with him. Thank you for everything.
I met Michael on Feb 1st. We IMed than we talked. We had so much in common I just could not believe that I was blessed to have met such a wonderful man. I was ready to give up on this site. Although he did not have a picture, just talking and getting to know each other, we made a connection. Our first date was going to his Church (what a great way to start). I was really nervous because I did not know what he would look like since he did not post a picture. To my surprise, what a good looking man. I felt a connection with this person. I truly believe God has ordained this time for us. This is our season! It has been so wonderful ever since. To everyone out there, all I can say is to wait on God and do not settle for anything less. I truly believe God had sent me what he has for me and that is Michael! Wow; GOD IS GOOD!
P.S I will be leaving this site as I have found my Knight in Shining Armour!
Elizabeth AKA Chicagoboriquia
During the past year I have viewed thousands of profiles and responded to several cards, sparks, winks, and smiles. This has been a very exciting opportunity with and the exposure gave me local, regional, and national coverage. In addition, my god-sent dream woman appeared and now our adventure will go to the next level! We are a perfect match. We are perfect for each other. We still have a lot of adjusting and building blocks to grow our relationship stronger. If I could send a message to other people to encourage them I would simply say pray and to thine own self be true. Honest, truth, faith, and loyalty are essential building blocks in any relationship from the beginning and throughout. I know God has put Teresa and I together for a special reason with His purpose at heart. Thank you!
My name is FunKandy37 and I met Idasoye on BlackSingles on January 15, 2009. It was my first time using this system. I like using the chat room. I had a lot of fun. After exchanging a few emails using the system, we had decided to exchange numbers and we talked over the phone. I was so comfortable talking with him that I wanted to meet him in person and we both agree to meet in public at a park. We both live in Arizona only 25 miles apart very close by. I like him even more in person. We laugh and talk all day. It has been two months now and we are still together. Thank you Blacksingles for being the tool to bring us together.
Funkandy37 & Idasoye