I never thought that I would find happiness like I have...

I've never been one to get on a dating website. I kept getting mail from BlackSingles, so one day I decided to try it out. I joined BlackSingles on July 16, 2006 for one month. The last day that my contract was to end I met my true love, which was on August 16 around 8:30 pm. I only had a couple of hours left. I IM'ed him and he did not response back right away. Then later on he response back to me. He gave me his phone number and we had a long talk. Then after a couple of days we met. He was everything that I wanted in a man. After 3 months we moved in together. We have been together for 2 years. Then on my birthday
July 18, 2008, he surprised me in bed with breakfast and had an engagement ring on the handle of a fork. Of course I accepted. We are very happy. We got married on April 17, 2009. Thank you BlackSingles! I never thought that I would find happiness like I have with Khamil. I have the best husband that I could ever ask for. We will be together 3 years on August 16, 2009. For anyone that does not believe that you can find your mate on BlackSingles, I am telling you that you can. Thanks again!
Mr & Mrs Khamil