Success Stories: 2005
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After 11 months on this site, I met a wonderful woman in my local area. We are connected to each other in so many ways. She has my heart and mind for sure. Love is truly a blessing. I thank your site for my new found happiness.
It has been well over a year since I met Michael. The thought that we were 2500 miles apart and each of us had busy lives was not in our favor for a love affair. Well, it has been more than a year and we both experienced more than we expected in any relationship. Michael has shown he is that rare book that I cherish. He has been a consistent flow of the elements I need to be fulfilled. He is my never ending love story. Thank you (formerly Black Singles Connection) for the bringing me the love of my life.

Hi Tasha,
I just wanted to thank you and your staff for having a wonderful website and helping me find the love of my life. I joined your site in May 2005 and met "ForBoston" in June 2005. It started by him sending me a smile and a card. I knew that it was love with him from the everyday phone conversations. We would call each other every 15 minutes. Thank God for unlimited night/weekend minutes! And, my love grew even stronger the day I got off the bus to see him for the first time. See, "ForBoston" is from Baltimore, MD and I was from New York. On July 2, 2005 "ForBoston" proposed to me and of course I said yes with tears in my eyes. So, on August 29, 2005 we became husband and wife.
Tasha I just want to thank you again and tell all your (formerly Black Singles Connection) friends that yes - you can find love on here.
Just when I was at the point of giving up on finding anyone on this website, the Lord sent the right man to view my profile. I live in the USA, and he lives in Madrid, Spain. I wanted someone that I could connect with spiritually, and then naturally because I always put God first in anything I say or do. He and I will be traveling back and forth until the date comes for the wedding. I really love him and I have (formerly Black Singles Connection) to thank for it. Once again, thank you Tasha for all the pointers you gave to the members on what to look for and how to be careful about doing things. I know the choice is the right one. Thanks again You are highly recommended.
Thanks to God and this site. I have met my Mr. Right. He is a spiritual man and much more. Our souls and spirits connected quickly. We are so compatible in every way. It is so wonderful. We are deeply in love with each other. I have been on this site since April/2005. I have met a lot of nice guys. But, there was always something missing. We just did not connect. Thanks to God, I did not stop looking for my godly man. My man contacted me first. I almost passed him by, because he is a few years younger then I. It just goes to show us--Our ideal for a mate for ourselves is not always God's mate for us. So, be watchful! (formerly Black Singles Connection) really works. You will find your mate.
I met this person and found out we had a lot of things in common. He was very sexy, nice, charming, and sweet. We were dating about 5 months, then HE ASKED ME WOULD YOU MARRY ME BECAUSE I WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON HE SEEN IN HIS LIFE AND I SAID YES YES YES!!!
Black (formerly Black Singles Connection),
I truly want to thank you for everything. I have met the woman of my dreams and really hit it off. We are now married and planning on having kids, later though. I thank you for matching me up with woman that I needed to have in my life. She meets my every need in life. Black, once again, I thank you for what you have done for me and I truly would recommend anyone to this site because it has really worked for me!
I would like to add my own success story after reading so many on here. I met my fiance, "tenecking", on this site May 19, 2005. He wanted a change from the women he normally dated and I was on here because a co-worker made me sign up. One day while I was viewing my home page, I saw that "tenecking" had saved me to his favorites and I wanted to find out who he was so I looked at his profile and IM'd him. We have been talking daily since that warm day in May. We soon realized that God had brought two people from two states, 615 miles, and 9.5 hours a part to fulfill His purposes for our lives.
He is from Tennessee and I am from Kansas. Although we have to travel many miles to see each other, God has allowed for us to have similar backgrounds and similar goals for our future. He shares God's love and encourage those around him to make the right choices in life. Through music he hopes to change peoples lives. I also have the same hopes, except I focus on the whole person through counseling. We have different ways of sharing the gospel to others but God has allowed for us to be unique and yet the same.
On October 28th, "Tenecking" asked for my hand in marriage and I gladly accepted. I am so happy that the Lord has brought us together. My suggestion is don't "box" God in and allow him to minister to your life. Read John 5 about the story of the man who waited 38 years for something to happen. I encourage you to make changes in your life today. Take one step at a time to get closer to God and his purpose for your life and will honor you by allowing you to "Get up, take up your bed, and Walk."
Be Blessed,
On July 21, 2005, I met the woman who I thought I'd never meet. I was very skeptical of this site and any others, thinking that it was just a joke. But, look who is laughing now. I originally signed up for this site in February 2005 and forgot about it. It wasn't until June 2005, that I received an e-mail from (formerly Black Singles Connection) asking me if I forgot about the site. So, I went back to the site and saw a lot of very beautiful women's profiles and pics. I even talked to a few here in North Carolina on the chat and one over the phone. I was at work one day when I read the profile of one woman and because I WAS at work, I thought her profile was very interesting and the pic that went with it was amazing. I was captivated by her smile. Apparently she knew I had made her a favorite and she wanted to talk online. As soon as she came on to chat, she was gone. I went to another profile and there she was, again, wanting to chat. This time we chatted and do you know that it is November 13, 2005, and we have talked EVERY DAY since then. We have mailed each other, e-mailed each other, and talked on the phone. Now, I have always been against long-distance relationships, thinking that one person or the other would see someone else in their town, but that isn't the case here. See, she lives in Illinois, 953 miles away and the love between us grows stronger and stronger every day.
I have a new feeling about long-distance relationships because we are taking our time to REALLY get to know each other without having that sexual relationship; something that I thought really made the relationship. But with open communication, trust, understanding, and most of all, the love between us, I know that when we finally meet, it is going to be an amazing thing. I'm planning to fly to Illinois in December and spend the new year with the woman that I can't live without. The woman that I love. The woman I am deeply IN LOVE WITH. The woman GOD has chosen for me. I have NEVER felt about ANY one woman in my life. ANY ONE WOMAN. Now, this may not be for everyone, but I have a new faith in the long-distance relation because I know and she knows that our relationship isn't based on sex like SO many relationships are today. Just look at the divorce rate in the U.S. alone. But, our relationship is built on mutual trust, caring, understanding, communication and most of all, LOVE. I thought that I would never find the woman whom GOD wanted me to be with, but now, that journey is over and another journey starts anew.
To whomever GOD gave the idea, to have this site, I want to say thank-you. There isn't a time that I don't think about her and she doesn't think about me. I have a renewed spirit that I can love again, and thanks to, I have found my one and truly only love.
This is the second of a 2-part sucess story. A few months ago, I wrote that I met someone online and she lives in Illinois. Well, we had our face-to-face meeting on December 30, 2005. I flew there to see her and spend the New Year with her at a Watch Night Service at church. The 1st time I ever spent New Year's in church. I didn't leave Illinois until that Monday. Once I got home, we both realized that we really missed each other and by us being apart, our love grew stronger than it was before. She is coming to North Carolina in March and then she's coming back in July for my family reunion. We've talked about me moving to Illinois and her moving to North Carolina. But wherever and whatever we decided to do, it was well worth the wait.
Her story:
I will be sure and email our pictures to you real soon. I have never been so happy in my 40 years of life. I never thought a website would bring me the love that I have found. I know God had a big part, in "lamonte69" and gettin together. I went on nine dates, and "lamonte69" was #10. I learned alot, but I have never had real love until now. We talked for five months, every single day - on the weekends all night. "Lamonte69" lives 953 miles away from me. I trust him totally and he trusts me totally. When he flew to see me, it was love at first sight. I never thought you could love a person without seeing them first. I have so much in common with him, he makes me laugh, we pray together. My family loves him and my kids, and my friends and my pastor and my church family. But, most of all - I love him. I will do whatever I can to promote single people to (formerly Black Singles Connection), because has given me a second chance at life with true love. Thank you soooo much!!!!! God bless you and the site!
**UPDATED Sept 5th, 2007**
I know what love is all about now!!!!!!!! Well, this is an update. We have been married nine months today. I married (Lamonte69) on Dec 5, 2006. We have been through a lot the past year. I had foot surgery, and my husband waited on my hand and foot for three months. There is not one man I have been with who would have done that for me. He is very faithful going to church every Sunday. And very good to my kids. Everyday can't be a good day, I wish it could. But then again, (I like the make-ups). I never thought I would find a man that loved me for me, and that was faithful. We have a date night which is is every Friday where we go do something. And I love havin that time together. I will tell anyone you need your psecial time together. This computer sat in a box for three months. I neer once thorugh my husband would be in that box. We know each other very well, and that's because we talked and shared. Our love is not based on looks or sex or money. (Nothing but love) I have a friend as well as a husband. We have so much fun together. We wake up somtimes at 5:00am laughin and talkin. I just want to thank you again for bringing real love in my life. A love that I thought other people only had. I know God brought us together. We definately have a story to tell. I love my husband and I konw my husband loves me. Thank you, Black Singles for a wonderful website. I also made a friend that is just like my brother. So not only did it bring me love, it brought me a new family member. MUSICLOVINDIVA