Married in just 2 months!

Hi Tasha,
I just wanted to thank you and your staff for having a wonderful website and helping me find the love of my life. I joined your site in May 2005 and met "ForBoston" in June 2005. It started by him sending me a smile and a card. I knew that it was love with him from the everyday phone conversations. We would call each other every 15 minutes. Thank God for unlimited night/weekend minutes! And, my love grew even stronger the day I got off the bus to see him for the first time. See, "ForBoston" is from Baltimore, MD and I was from New York. On July 2, 2005 "ForBoston" proposed to me and of course I said yes with tears in my eyes. So, on August 29, 2005 we became husband and wife.
Tasha I just want to thank you again and tell all your (formerly Black Singles Connection) friends that yes - you can find love on here.