Success Stories: 2008
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The love of my life has finally found me!!!! Our story is short and sweet.
We met a few weeks ago on this site, conversed for hours, and are now crazy about each other. He and I have so much in common....from the love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the love for chili in the Summer. We are each ready to receive our gifts...of each other.
Thank You,
We've been talking and dating for 2 months tomorrow. We are a very good match so far and I hope it'll be till death do us part. I live in CT and he lives in MA, 2hrs away and it's great. It was $24.99 well spent and I hope I don't have to subscribe again.
Thank you!
I have always been a believer of fairy tales such as my knight in shining armor and happily ever afters. However, sometimes in the mix of it all, we seem to lose hope. On the day that I decided to be a full member, I saw "arealgentleman" on-line and decided to look at his profile. It was nice and I walked away from my computer, but I was inclined to come back and take a second look. I decided to instant message him and that first "hi" has changed my life.
I thought that men no longer courted a woman, made her feel like the lady that she was, but this gentleman did. We found that we had lots in common, the same love and passion for life and that we were one in the same. How could I not love him, as he was me and I was him. We are truly soulmates in every form and our hearts beat as one. I will send a picture of us and let you know that day when we marry, as I know we will. Stay tuned!!!
I met a lot of wonderful people on the BlackSingles site, including my wonderful fiance! I was lingering one night and just about to sign off. I had my mouse pointed on the sign-out button when this happy and cheerful face popped up and asked if I wanted to chat. I said yes and so we chatted for about five minutes, called each other, and instantly clicked! We've been talking non-stop and met each other about three weeks ago for the first time. It was awesome!!! He was in the process of moving back to Baltimore from the west coast already and now he is relocating to PA so we can be together. It has been a fast and wild ride so far, but we have a very strong spiritual connection and have "known each other" for a long time before we met again this time around. We are looking forward to a very happy future and we have BlackSingles to thank for being the tool for God to bring us together. THANK YOU BLACKSINGLES!!! And to all of the skeptics out there...IT CAN HAPPEN!!! To all of you who think you'll never meet that someone special...KEEP THE FAITH !!!
I have been on BlackSingles for a few months now and have met several men on this website. I was just about to give up on the online dating process when I was contacted by Slowjamz65. We immediately made a connection and started to communicate with each other and set up our first date. Our date was wonderful and it has been nothing but bliss since then. This man has been an absolute God send and blessing to my children and me. I have always said I needed at least seven men to make one good one, but he has proven me wrong because he is everything I need in a man wrapped into one! Our relationship has been going great for the past 3 months now and we are expecting nothing but wonderful things in our future we are planning together.

Sexythansesxyjustforu instant messaged me, but I missed him. I sent him an email to say that I was interested in his profile. He emailed me his telephone number. After chatting for several months, I flew to Hawthorne, CA to meet him. The chemistry was awesome! Sexythansexyjustforu is the man of my dreams come to life. He is taller than me, he is older than me, he has his Master's Degree like me, he is a minister like me, and of course he is oh so very handsome. He doesn't smoke, drink, or curse. What more could I ask for in a man. I have relocated to Hawthorne, CA where Sexythansexyjustforu and I are still dating and getting to know each other better. Everything is great between us. Thank you BlackSingles!
After being on Black single for several months, I found that woman that makes me feel like I am in middle school with a huge crush. I had dated a lot of woman from BlackSingles and was really having a good time. They were all wonderful women, but we just didn't click. Until one day, I saw this beautiful young lady that I was truly intrigued with. It took a lot for us to get together, but my belief is that it was divine. She is actually what I was looking for. As a guy, when we meet that person, we just know! The first time we met, I knew she was the woman I wanted. I am a realist so I do know that we will have ups and downs, but that is just part of it. I am willing to take the chance with this incredible young lady! Because of BlackSingles, I found my queen.

Willie and I met on BlackSingles April 19, 2006. We have been inseparable ever since. Willie proposed to me on April 19, 2007 and we stood before God, family, and friends on April 19,2008 to become as one. It is truly a blessing to see how God creates LOVE between a man and a women. With God's favor, we are happy and in LOVE.
Willie and Shirley Green
I met jtowers in September of '07 on BlackSingles. I'm in Brooklyn and jtowers is from Brooklyn, but is stationed in California; he's in the military. We hit it off right from the start. After conversing for 3 days, we came to realize that he grew up with friends of mine. We met face to face in October of '07 in Times Square. Actually, we fell in love over the telephone weeks before actually meeting one another. Jtowers comes home every chance he gets. Each date that we share together is always wonderful. We always look back and smile and laugh about our dates. There's always something memorable with him and I. We spent two weeks together. He was suppose to be in NY for 1 week and stayed two just because he didn't want to leave me. We are praying that he will hopefully be coming home in June so we can enjoy each other without being limited on time. We are both looking forward to sharing our life together. Jtowers always thanks me for being so patient on waiting for him to relocate back to NY. We also talk everyday at least 3 times a day. There were times that we both had $500 cell phone bills. Now we have a strategy. It was a true blessing for us to meet. To top it off, he's 33 and I'm 40. Smile!