Success Stories: 2008
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I met a very special man from Detroit. We first talked at the end of April and then met in person on May 13th, 2008. It's been many miles traveled and we've both found heaven on earth. I've met his family and will be attending the family reunion next month. Thanks Black Singles!
Philip and I met on February 4, 2008 and have not looked back. We travel to each other's home when we can. We are discussing marriage and have already named our first child. He is a God send and we both cannot believe that we are in each other's life. Have faith and patience and God will show up right on time.
***Updated 1/28/09***
Philiptuck and I are now married. We got married on Dec 19th and will have a wedding reception on June 6th. We met on BBW!
I wasn't really to hyped on dating sites. I've been burned before, so to say the least, I was a bit salty. Well, after I joined, I started surfing the thousands and yes, I went through thousands of photo's trying to see who may catch my attention. I was about to turn off the site and thats when I saw her! Of course what I saw took me by surprise, because honestly I didn't see anyone that really made me want to stop and take a second look, but she did. There was a smile sent and a smile came back in response. And thats where it all started. We have chatted endlessly every single night and all throughout the day. We have set plans for many exciting things together in building this awesome friendship/relationship.
She is certainly everything that I have prayed for and I'm glad now that I did override my first thought about joining Black Singles!!
Thank you BlackSingles, for being the vehicle that God used in bringing us together. Everything is awesome, just awesome!!! I'm a web promotion specialist and I'll have to do a web promotion just for you. All I can say is, don't give up on your desires in a mate. God works in ways not like our own. Be open to change. Don't settle just because you feel that it has been sooo long and you are sooo lonely. That's when you get stuck with someone you have no business being with. Listen to your heart and the voice of the Lord, if you hear the slightest sound in your spirit that says, "he/she is not what I have for you, RUN!!!!" Be blessed because I am!
In a very short time, I found and met a very wonderful person. I am happy to say that we both knew it was something special after 10 minutes of our first date. She is the kind of woman you take home to meet the family and a type of woman that I will enjoy having as part of my future.

He sent me a smile about three times and I responded with only a thank you for the smiles. Then one day, he instant messaged me and I told him straight out that I wasn't really interested in him because he was younger, but we met anyway and the rest is history. We are currently in a committed relationship now.

I have found my very best friend on your website. We chatted online for several weeks before actually meeting in person. Once we met in person, it was like we had known each other for years. My user name is tlady2 and his user name is kingspontaneous1. We are best friends. We look forward to such a long time spent with each other. Thank you Blacksingles, for making it all possible. My King, is just that; A King. He has come into my life and made it worth living again. I couldn't have asked for more.
Since he has come into my life, I have not stopped smiling. He has given not only to me, but also so much to my children. I'm not sure what the future holds for us, but I do know that I will continue to cherish every moment God has given us. Not a day goes by that he does not make me feel special. I haven't felt that way in years. I have fallen in love with my best friend and so has he. Thank you Tasha and Blacksingles, for making it possible. Thank you so much!
I met the man of my dreams two days after posting my profile on Black Singles. We immediately started communicating and now are ready to commit to a serious relationship! My girlfriends were skeptical about the web site, but it was a blessing for me!
We've never been so happy!
Peace and Blessings to all!
JUST MARRIED!!! Another Success Story – Electro58 & Brightiiis met on BlackSingles in April of 2007 and were married in April of 2008. Electro58, a long time BlackSingles member and Brightiiis, first made contact on-line two months after she joined BlackSingles, and one year later they were married.
He was my first and only face-to-face meeting, while he had met and made many friends over the years. We actually hadn’t even talked on the phone before business took me to his city and fate took over from there. We spent three evenings, after work, together sharing the “Vegas” experience, as a local friend might welcome a first time visitor getting off the beaten tourist track of the “Strip” to take in some local flavor!
We both knew almost instantly that this was a most special meeting and had the potential to be a relationship that could change our lives. We talked everyday for hours, made several trips together, and two months after we met, we were engaged. We have traveled to and with each other over 20 times in 10 months including places like Key Largo, St. Thomas, and Puerto Rico. We weren’t expecting anything even remotely like this to happen, but now all the success stories make sense, because it happened to us too. We are a “mature” couple (50ish), were well established on our own, and have both been married before, so we aren’t the types to rush into things. However, when you meet “The One”, it is so clear that it is simple to say “Yes..I Do!”.
We married in Vegas and honeymooned in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, the place where we got engaged. Our family and friends are so excited for us. They see our happiness and feel we are perfect for each other. Many have said it gives them hope that there may be that one special person out there for them, if only they have the courage to reach out and find them. And of course, they ask us about the website where we met. Never in a million years would we have imagined this could happen, but now we find ourselves singing, “Fairy tales can come true, it has happened to us”. We both feel we have truly met our soul mate and our hearts and lives have never been fuller. Our invitation introduction said “God Bless the Broken Road that Led Me Straight to You”. Thank you BlackSingles for providing the path and the place for fate to bring us together
Theoriganalone & independentladyd are a 100% perfect match like you said. We fell in love with each other at first chat, so it seemed. When we finally met, sparks flew. We are both disabled and we both love music, hugs, walks, family, and much much more. So your site was a success for us. We thank you!