He is the man of my dreams come to life.

Sexythansesxyjustforu instant messaged me, but I missed him. I sent him an email to say that I was interested in his profile. He emailed me his telephone number. After chatting for several months, I flew to Hawthorne, CA to meet him. The chemistry was awesome! Sexythansexyjustforu is the man of my dreams come to life. He is taller than me, he is older than me, he has his Master's Degree like me, he is a minister like me, and of course he is oh so very handsome. He doesn't smoke, drink, or curse. What more could I ask for in a man. I have relocated to Hawthorne, CA where Sexythansexyjustforu and I are still dating and getting to know each other better. Everything is great between us. Thank you BlackSingles!