Success Stories: 2005
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That naughty old wolf "THEWOLF29" has been tamed & captured by the lovely "LASHUAN9". After months of being apart, we are one with God and each other. Thank you for the hookup. It works! Wohooo! We out!
Four months ago I met the most wonderful woman.
It all started with a few lines of poetry, her words were like magic lifting me to a higher plain. I knew I had to meet her.
Online we talked and shared our hopes and dreams, and I knew I had to meet her. So on a cold February day she came to Philly to meet me, and all of a sudden it was a warm spring day.
We walked around town holding hands surrounded by hundreds of people and all I could see was her.
We shared a kiss and my life was changed. The smile on my face, the pep in my step, the song in my heart, I am in love, and we are in love.
Thank you (formerly Black Singles Connection) for bringing me this feeling, for it is the greatest feeling I ever felt.
This woman (Darknlovely4u63) is the the greatest gift I could ever have and I will love her with all my worth and all my heart for as long as she will have me, and I will make her happy.
Thank you Tasha, may you always be blissed.
**Updated 2/06/2008**
!!!!WOW!!!! Three Years ago I met the most wonderful man,Cliff175.
It all started with chating and a few lines of poetry online that we shared together.
Then one cold day I found myself in Philadelphia in his beautiful warm arms.
Kisses and hugging each throwing the night to sun set. Our hearts were filled with joy.
You are my star that shines in my heart that shares with you.
It's been almost three years and it seem like years I've been loving you.
Happy Anniversary honey, Cliff175, and thank you for being so true to me..Darknlovely4u63.
Love, Darknlovely4u63
Thank-you BlackSingles!
Cliff175 & Darknlovely4u63
I have search my life for someone that loved God and just wanted a Man that was bound by 3 dimensions (Faith, Family and Finance). I have been in several relationships, but now I have found someone that only God himself knew I needed. I have loved her my whole life. And I only met her a month ago.
I joined (formerly Black Singles Connection) in December 2003. I spent quite a bit of time online — chatting, browsing, etc. In February 2004, I received a mingle mail from greeneggsnham. We really hit it off. And the rest, as they say, is history.
This past May (2005), we got married, went on a 7 day cruise for our honeymoon and are now adjusting to married life together in North Texas.
We truly appreciate a venue such as this that provides and safe, less aggressive method of meeting other eligible African American singles.
-polkadot and greeneggsnham
My future husband keeps telling me " we need to write our success story on (formerly Black Singles Connection)"...But I hardly have the time....
So I will let you know that I met kinglopp April 2, 2004 and it was true "love at first sight". This coming weekend we are moving together to save for our house and our wedding Oct 7, 2006.
Our love for each other have extended even to our children.
He has been a true blessing to my life...the best part for me is that I have ALWAYS been skeptical about online dating services but I was willing to take a risk because the men I was dating always turned out to be a disater. Kinglopp was the first and ONLY one I talked to and met. He was well worth to all you ladies I say don't give up..I am 32 and found the love of my life....
Kinglopp & twooyvonne
I met a real sweetheart of a man (his profile name is vcr333brown) through your site. He is a very special man and we have been seeing each other for 3 months. Thank you (formerly Black Singles Connection)! Msoceanwave
Once again, thanks for your help and I am glad I found this site. It has made a different in my life. Even if I have not found a mate, I have made friends.
Well, a little over a year and many friends later, I finally found my man. Thank you (formerly Black Singles Connection) for providing such an awesome avenue to meet and greet people that you would never imagine under conventional circumstances. I would highly recommend it.
But back to my man, He is everything I had hoped and prayed for all my life. He sent smiles, mingles and cards for nearly 6 months before I even responded, partly due to his age. Just when I was getting ready to throw in the towel he IM’d and we chatted for two days and decided to meet. We met at a local restaurant and we have never parted since. Although our compatibility score was 78% we are now batting .500. As he tells everyone, I am his twin. I have never met anyone, male or female, that truly has everything in common with me. It is almost scary but it is just like that roller coaster, you are always afraid but you wait in the long line to ride again. MARC7100 and RUTHNSPYER are in store for the ride of their lives, but we are going to hold on through the bumpy and rocky road because smooth sailing is soon come....Thanks again BSC! ruthnspyer

I am Renny70 and orginally joined (formerly Black Singles Connection) a way to meet new people in my area. I had recently moved to Oregon from Washington, DC to pursue my career in politics and finish school. Unfortunately, with my schedule, and the lack of diversity, there weren't many choices for me in terms of dating. As for Honey92, she had been fed up with the dating prospects in her area, and wasn't a club person. We met within a month of joining the site. My life and schedule were totally hectic, I was working on the 04 Presidential Campaign, managing my bosses campaign for the Oregon House of Representatives, and attending school. She and I corresponded a bit, but she seemed to think that I wasn't all that interested in her. Immediately following the elections I had a little more free time, and our conversations grew longer and longer. And considering we were on opposite coasts, about as far away as two people can be from one another in the continental US, long chat times were at a premium. We soon found ourselves having conversations until 3AM Eastern Time, and me waking up to have a conversation at 4AM Pacific Time. Over the course of those conversation we began to fall in love. Finally our schedules coincided so that she could come out to visit Portland, where she met my crazy friends from the State Legislature (all of us are crazy who work in politics) and she loved the town. While she was here we toured the city (since I am still a newbie myself) and looked at different places to live. Our original time frame that we had decided on was October '05' for her move. The day after she flew back to Florida we decided to move that date up considerably sooner. She is scheduled to move out here June 1, and we will have a small private wedding ceremony here in Oregon. We have already begun the plans for a big wedding on March 11th in Biloxi, Mississipi where all of our families can attend.
In her, I have found a soul mate, best friend, and future wife. We compliment each other in every way. I think the one thing I love most is that we can sit for hours and not say one word, but have a full conversation with a look or a touch and know exactly what the other is thinking. She already has the uncanny ability to complete my sentences and know exactly what I am thinking before I have said one word. There will be nothing better than marrying my best friend. I love her more than I love my own life. Thank you for being the conduit in which God has brought such a beautiful blessing into my life.
Warmest Regards,
PS...Attached is our favorite photo from her visit. And we will make sure we send an open invitation to to our wedding.