Success Stories: 2006
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I just wanted to let you know that Alan and I are getting married on June 18, 2006 at 11:30 a.m. in New York. We will then be taking a cruise through the Caribbean.
We are very excited about our wedding and spending the rest of our lives together.
Thank you again for your support. I wish that you could be there. I will make sure to send pictures as soon as possible.
Very truly,
Marie 24(Ava Chang)
Alan MP (Alan Joyal)
I just want to thank you for this site. I have been on and off of different sites since 2002. So when I received a email about your site I was like what ever!!!!!!! But I was on this site when a card from shka was sent to msjoyful06 welcoming me to the site. That was on 4-19-06 and we have been talking and being together ever since.
The strange thing is that we both ask the same question. Where have you been all my life?! We live in the same state, so close yet so far away, but both know it's all in God's timing.
So I just want say that if this can happen for me, it can happen for anyone!
Thank you again!
We, me and Bewitched, met on this site and she and I agree that God in His greatest wisdom used this site to allow me to meet the woman of my dreams. She is down to earth, gentle and has such a positive spirit. We have been dating for the last three months and we have wedding plans for September 3, 2006 in Las Vegas. We both want to say Thanks first to God and second to you all at (formerly Black Singles Connection).
My username is BCWYAF - Be Careful What You Ask For...I was careful and I got what I asked for. I met PuckerUp45 on on January 19, 2006 after only being on the website for one week. You thought we'd click and we did. I had my doubts of meeting someone on a website but he soon changed that thought. He is mature, intelligent, a gentleman, humorous and very attentive. Everything I asked for and more. UNBELIEVEABLE! REMARKABLE! FANTABULOUS!
I have received many requests from friends and family regarding how to access BSC so that they can find someone as I have. Of course, I gave them all of the details.
PuckerUp45 has already sent in his version. We will both keep you informed of the future accomplishments within our relationship. It has been only 4 months (it seems like it has been much longer) and we are ready for the next level.
**UPDATED May 18th, 2007**
We were married on May 14, 2007.
We met on BlackSingles on January 19, 2006. We both thought that we would click and we did from the first telephone conversation. I was only on the website for fun....I didn't really plan on meeting anyone because I was leery of meeting anyone on a website. My sign-on name was BCWYAF (Be Careful What You Ask For) and his name was PuckerUp45. He was the persistent one. After several e-mails and numerous telephone conversations, we finally met.
Talk about "Fate", "Luck", "A Blessing"...........This was a relationship waiting to happen.
We became engaged on November 4, 2006......he wanted to get married after 6 months into the relationship, but I held out. We are now happily married and anxious to proceed on this Blessed Adventure.
We can go on and on about this wonderful union. You have to hear him talk about it.
Hi Tasha,
As promised, here is our success story. I had been on (formerly Black Singles Connection) off and on for the last 2-3 years, and had been unlucky in my quest for Mr. Right.
One day, I checked my profile and I noticed that someone with a familiar screen name had viewed my profile. His screen name is uncwayne. I thought I recognized his name, so I sent him my profile and in turn, he sent me his. I swore that we had been in contact previously, and to this day we are still trying to figure out if we had. Anyway, I sent him smiles and cards and we finally got in contact with each other. We have been talking ever since. Not only are we a 100% match, we have a million things in common. We are both very happy. We have plans to be together soon and the future looks very bright and promising for us.
Thank you for bringing me my soul mate.
msbell39 and uncwayne.
I met a very wonderful lady (Goldy45) on your website.
She and I immediately clicked, we started dating and now we are planning to get married for Thanksgiving.
Thank you (formerly Black Singles Connection) for making available the lady of my dreams and soul mate.
Best of luck......... Caribbeanlover417
THANK YOU (formerly Black Singles Connection),
I met sweetcaribeangirl on We first chatted for a while then we started talking over the phone and it was a wrap from there. She is not from the US and it's all good because I was looking for a women with a carribbean background. She lives in Switzerland but will be making her first trip to the US on 4-29-2006. I am very excited to pick her up at the airport. She is a Godly women and I'm a Godly man and we are going to trust in God. We should be getting married this summer (Glory be to God). So, thank you Tasha and BSC and to everyone out there on, this should be your last stop in the dating game HOLLA:))
BrooklynNy & Sweetcaribeangirl

This is how our story goes...
I joined (formerly Black Singles Connection) in February. The first week of February as far as I can remember, a little hesitant at first but still decided to have an open mind. I wasn´t really sure how it was gonna turn out for me nevertheless, I was optimistic in gaining friends all over the world but also hopeful in meeting the man of my dreams.
The first week of becoming a member was unbelievable! I couldn´t believe how many people showed interest in me and I´m very flattered. But, there was one who caught my eyes from all the guys who have sent me mails, cards and smiles, "Justbcuz".
We communicated thru instant message and phone for hundreds and hundreds of hours for 3 months before we decided to go for the next step - meeting up in person! He asked if he could fly to Europe to see me and I couldn´t help but agree. For Valentine´s day, he sent me a dozen of red roses at work, now take notice that he lives in the States and I in Europe so perhaps our situation hasn´t been really that easy being that we´re so far away from each other. Following the roses is one of the biggest surprises of my life - he showed up a day early and came to my workplace with a white rose and a box of chocolate delivered in person by my oldest son and then popped up right in front of my face! I was shocked! Talking about surprises! I surely got my share of it and that would be our first meeting ever. He arrived in Iceland April 12 and was here for 2 weeks. He met my family, we spent some time together and he really bonded with my sons which was really cool.
He proposed to me 2 days prior to leaving and we´re making it official in June when I come to see him with my sons to meet his family and his son. So in June, I will be officially engaged to the man of my dreams! The road ahead will be tough for both of us afterall, no one said it was gonna be easy but we surely are willing to give it a try. Hopefully, we make it. Wish us both luck and pray for us but lastly, we both would like to thank you for giving us that bridge that connected our paths in finding each other, Our lives has only just begun.
We will keep you posted for future plans. "Justbcuz" and "leogyrl354" are so off the market and again - THANK YOU!
I hope our story will inspire people all over the world and believe when we say, Happy endings aren´t just fairy tales!
I sit here with a lot of mixed emotions. When I first joined BSC, I thought I would be on it for 1 month, with no results. . . boy was I wrong! During my stay, I've met some very loving folks. . . . some who are still here, and others that have moved on to higher heights. I won't bore you with a lot of words. I just wanted to first thank my Lord and Savior. . .for I believe that even when we are good, and even when we mess up, He knows about it, and He still has charge over our lives! Thank you Tashanem. . .for it is/was through this dating site, that I've met some of the most wonderful people in my life. Last, but sure nuff not least, thank you Yolanda (si belle qu'ell me fait souffrir - so beautiful you make me suffer)! Every time I think of John Legend's song, "So High", I smile because I think of you. . . "Baby since the day you came into my life, You made me realize that we were born to fly, You showed me everyday new possibilities, You proved my fantasies of love could really be . . . " In this short span of time, we've endured a lot. However, we've never forgotten about "who has brought us" and "who will never leave us, nor forsake us"! I love you "Sprout". . . thank you for accepting my marriage proposal, and willing to spend the rest of our lives together.
I'm not going to sit up here and call names. . . .anytime you do that, you run the risk of forgetting somebody, and then you have to come back and appologize, and all that stuff. . .LOL! I will see some of you in June, others in August, and some later in life. The important thing to remember is, let's carry a piece of each other in our hearts and minds forever!
I leave this message for all (if it doesn't apply, treat it like fried catfish. . .eat the meat, spit out the bones). Isaiah reminds us that "they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint". When you need help, call on Him. When your strength gives out, ask Him to give you strength. When it looks like you cannot go on another day, ask Him to pull back the darkness, so you can take a peek at the morning. When the storms come, ask Him to give you peace. When you have to climb the rough side of the mountain, ask Him to give you sure footing. And if you believe. . .if you know that you will have/find that special somebody in your life. . .whether it is here or elsewhere, then "Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry!"
Adieu. . .
Ken (a.k.a. Saukratees)