I married my best friend.

Hello my name is Joey, I was a member on (Black Singles) in 2004. I meet my friend Jacque a short time after that. It was a long shoot for both of us, me being from the East coast and her from the west. Initially we left each other messages then started chatting for hours. It was tough with the timezone difference, but the conversation was always running into the wee hours (LOL). It was rough on a "brotha" considering I had to get up at 6:30am EST. After about 6 months, I took a flight to California and my life has never been the same. Jacque and I share such a deep connection it is unlike any relationship that I have ever experienced. Our attraction is effortless and the love we share is so organic. We were married in 2006 and since have had two beautiful sons (Joey Jr. & Jaxton). I have relocated to California and can not imagine my life if I had not been online. The odds of us finding each other across the miles were not in our favor, but your site made it happen! My wife and I are a true testimony to the possibilities... Thanks to Black Singles, I married my best friend.