God designed the essence and timing for our hearts to meet..

God designed the essence and timing for our hearts to meet, and Black Singles website created the space for us to meet. We believe that without the Black Singles site, we never would have been reunited. We are blessed with the opportunity to jump the broom into the last of our lives for which the first was made!
Forty years after we met as schoolmates, the 'Black Singles' website provided the path to meet again, and to recognize each other as our original soul-mates.
We [Martha as 'Leah52'; Ronald as 'SRonaldP'] didn't know it then, but a unique joy awaited us when we enrolled at the Black Singles site. Our expectations were not sky-high. Initial efforts at online dating had turned frustrating, disappointing, fruitless, and unhopeful.
In September 2008, Martha initiated a message to Ronald and he responded with great enthusiasm. Black Singles started a reconnection for Martha and Ronald to reclaim their history as classmates from 1st grade through 8th grade.
During initial exchange, they shared stories about growing up. Both were tickled to discover that they had lived in the same hometown. Both were astonished to discover that their lives included a shared history of connections. Ronald remembered Martha very well and he instantly believed that their reunion was evidence of the hope he had secretly held for decades.
Midway during the subsequent Black Singles online chat, Ronald asked for Martha's telephone number, promising to call. Two minutes after exiting the site, Martha's telephone rang. Ronald began telling her exactly how they knew each other. Bubbling with happiness, Ronald told her that 40 years apart from her seemed like a month to him!
We were born one month apart in the same community, and attended the local parochial elementary school. We transferred to different schools after 8th grade and never met again. We began our careers in government-service sectors. We married other loves, and had children. Years later, one of us was divorced; the other, widowed.
Ronald [Libra] is the one who 40 years ago and forever after sensed their soul-filled connection. The Black Singles website was the gateway for Martha [Scorpio] to recognize the holy partnership of their lives. Now, a month apart seems like 40 years to both of them!
By Christmas 2008, both of us felt and believed that we were meant to be together! We recognized mutual significance in ordinary moments. Martha says she knew he was *The One* on a day that she was in his family's kitchen and saw his kindness of actions and feelings toward his siblings.
Less than a year later in October 2009, with his family in on the surprise, Ronald served Martha a slice of cake in which a foil-wrapped ring was hidden. Everyone noticed that Martha mistook the bit of foil for debris. Ronald rescued the foil, then knelt to propose. Martha was too stunned to say 'Yes', smiling with tears as he placed the ring on her finger.
One year later -- November 6, 2010, we marry and begin a sweet new portion of relationships with God, family, and friends. We know that our marriage is blessed with an unconditional two-way love resting on divine fertilizers of compatibility and chemistry.
Sometimes, Martha still pinches herself to prove she's not dreaming. Ronald who began dreaming of her 40 years ago, smiles to see her at his side where she always was meant to be--where she's pinching herself or him!
It's no surprise for family and friends to comment that we seem to resemble each other, like long-married couples do. In God's heart, we soon will celebrate 50 years as a couple!
God bless all of you!
Martha & /Ronald