God answered my prayers completely &even beyond what I asked

My name is Gloria and I met the love of my life, Kelvin through Black Singles. I had been on Black Singles intermittently since the summer of 2007, after a friend encouraged me to try it. Of course, I said no initially out of fear due to the horror stories you hear on television. Then after realizing I really wasn’t meeting anyone, because all I did was work, go to church, go out to dinner or a movie with my girlfriends, (most of who were married), I thought that maybe I should give it a try.
I did meet some men and would go on a few dates, but for various reasons we did not continue. I must say I did meet some really nice men and a few who were pretenders, but overall my experiences on Black Singles were enjoyable.
On August 5, 2008 I flew to Los Angeles for a week-long visit with a cousin. While there I went to spend one night with a good friend who also lived in Los Angeles. I used my friend’s computer to check my email, since I had been away from the computer for a few days. When I logged on, the first message I saw was that I had mail from Black Singles.
That message was from HBBMW with whom I had not previously had any contact. I read his message, which was sweet. He said he would like to see my beautiful smile in person and that I couldn’t use his head as an armrest, but I could rest in his arms. That made me smile, because I knew he actually read my profile.
In my profile I said I wanted to meet a man I could at least look in the eye and not use his head as an armrest. You see I am 5’9 1/2” and do wear heels, but I have always been approached by men who are much shorter than me. I know love comes in all sizes, but that is how I felt. Since I was taking a chance on on-line dating, I figured I should go for what I wanted.
I responded to his email, after reading his profile. I noticed he was handsome, we shared some interests, I enjoyed his email, and he was tall. I told him I was in Los Angeles, and he could give me a call if he would like to meet while I was in town.
A few hours later he called, and he was laughing, because he did not believe I was really in Los Angeles. My number was not a L.A number of course, and it just didn’t seem logical that he had decided to approach someone outside of California and that person would be visiting California on that particular day. He asked where my friend and I were and where we were going. After telling him we were on our way to the 3rd Street Promenade, he said he was a few minutes away and would love to treat me and my friend to lunch. I was a little nervous, because I did not feel like I looked my best. I had simply grabbed a pair of shorts and a simple blouse, when I left my cousin’s home. My friend, Gena, persuaded me to meet him anyway, while she, her son and god son walked around the promenade.
Kelvin and I met that day, Thursday, August 7th, in front of Barnes and Nobles, had lunch at a sushi bar across from Barnes and Nobles, and talked for approximately two hours. The lunch was enjoyable, and we had really pleasant conversation. We laughed a great deal, and he was so very thoughtful. After lunch he met my friend and the boys, and then he and I said good bye. I felt really good about our first visit and was excited about the possibilities.
Later that evening he called and invited me to a concert at the beach. I agreed, and he picked me up from my cousin’s home. However, by the time we arrived, the concert was almost ending, so he asked if we could go somewhere to talk a little more. We then went to Izzy’s Delicatessen in Santa Monica for coffee and dessert. Another two to three hour conversation in one day, and I felt even better about meeting this man.
He then asked if there was anything I wanted to do while in Los Angeles, and I said I would love to dress up and go out somewhere, but not to a club. He made reservations at a jazz dinner club. Again, we had a very wonderful time. He said he would be out of town for the weekend for a going away party for a god daughter, but would like to see me again before I left. Suspicious, I figured he probably had to spend the weekend with his lady and had just fit me in for a few days. Boy was I wrong. While he was out of town, he called and I could hear the people in the background. After returning to Los Angeles on Sunday and working on Monday, he wanted to see me, since I was leaving Tuesday.
After only knowing this man for five days, I was feeling really good. He picked me up, and we went walking in West Wood near UCLA campus. While walking and getting to know each other better, he found out that I like wind chimes. We stopped in several places, because he was looking for wind chimes, which I did not know he was doing. We ended up in a CVS Pharmacy which had several wind chimes. I was trying to decide which one I wanted by listening to them, when I told him to choose one for me. He said no and took the three I had out of my hands and told me to close my eyes. I am not always the most trusting person, so I was a little hesitant. But when I did close my eyes he stood there and shook each chime, so I could hear them individually and make my decision. He said, “You have to listen with your eyes closed so it will speak to your spirit.” That was the first time he touched my heart.
After leaving the store we drove to Ocean View Park which overlooks Santa Monica Bay, one of his favorite places, and I was a little cold, because I am a southern girl from Texas. He took a sweater out of his car for me to wear so we could enjoy the park. He mentioned that we had known each other five days, and I said, “And I am already wearing your clothes.” We laughed then, and looking back on that incident it is even more humorous, because I love wearing his clothes, especially his shirts and sweaters. Even with the sweater on he knew I was still a little cold so he said; “Come here” and he wrapped me in his arms. This was the second time he touched my heart, and he knew because my knees buckled a little. We both look back on that day and know our hearts opened to one another that day.
I returned to Texas the next day, and we talked everyday. We began seeing each other every month except October. He would come to Dallas or he would fly me to meet him. We spent time in Dallas, Phoenix, and Las Vegas between August and December. Then on December 30th he took me on an eight day Mexican Riviera cruise out of San Diego. He gave me a ring on that cruise, which he said was a place holder until my ring arrived.
On January 17, 2009, five months after we met the official proposal happened. I was totally surprised. A couple of girl friends and my son were in on it, but they kept me in the dark.
He asked me at some point during our dating what was something I really wanted, and I said a nice ring and an official proposal. He did exactly that, including getting down on one knee. What I didn’t know was that he could have given me my actual engagement ring on the cruise, but he wanted to wait to propose at my home with my family and friends present.
This is a second marriage for both of us, and we both know that this one is forever. We both agree that divorce is not an option for us.
On August 7, 2009, exactly one year from the day we met we were married in my back yard in Duncanville, Texas. Kelvin and Gloria became one. My 24 year old son Calvin escorted me down the aisle and was also the best man, and my friend of 29 years was my matron of honor. A few of our closest family members and friends were present when I walked down the aisle as Heather Headley’s song, “If It Wasn’t for Your Love” played.
There are so many things that seem ironic and almost unbelievable in our story, such as his name is Kelvin, my son’s name is Calvin, his birthday is April 7th, my birthday is April 8th, I was visiting Los Angeles when he decided to expand his search outside of Los Angeles. But, to us it is not coincidence, but God ordained.
One thing I want everyone reading this to know is, both of us had prayed to God about giving us the person he had for us long before we signed up for Black Singles. Both of us were convinced by someone else to try Black Singles. So, we thank God for our friends who persuaded us, for the creator of Black Singles, for the bravery to step out of our comfort zones, but most importantly we thank God.
I can tell you that God answered my prayers completely and even beyond what I asked. I asked for a man who would love me the way Christ loved the church and accept me for who I am. God did just that and so much more. If you want to know how Christ loved the church, He loved it enough to die. I don’t mean I want my husband to die a physical death, but dying to oneself by placing others needs and desires before your own. That is what my husband does for me on a daily basis.
To every lady reading this I want you to know I spent time lying prostrate before God on the bathroom floor of my home one day making my requests known to God, and then I got up and wiped my tears and pulled myself together so I could go back into my living area to continue being a mom. But, before I walked out of my bedroom, I looked up at the ceiling, smiled, and said, “God, everyone says you have a sense of humor, so can he please be tall.”
My husband is 6’4”. How about that?