Before we knew we are inseparable.

Many men approached me on this site with intentions that differed from mine. However, one man arose from the crowd and claimed me without hesitation. With the phone conversations that followed, we realized that we were a couple almost instantly. Before we knew we are inseparable.
Take it from two people 500 miles apart, with this site you joined us as one. True love knows no boundaries. We just needed the right ingredients (ARadiantone and Mr Fixit3571) and the mixing bowl ( We started talking on the site on January 1,2009. The outcome is, I will be moving to his state at the end of the school year and I am interviewing for jobs as we speak. All stemming from a surprise visit(1st time face to face) on January 10, 2009, where MrFixit3571 asked me to marry him in a crowded restaurant with onlookers waiting my answer. Somewhere in the midst of my tears of joy, I said "YES!" without doubt. By the way, the diamond ring was absolutely gorgeous. BLING! BLING! I was teary eyed as I thought about it the entire evening! Anyway, thanks for everything.
ARadiantone & MrFixit3571
***Updated 6/25/09***
MrFixit3571 and I will be exchanging vows in 21 days. We have posted our engagement on facebook. We are using an officiant for our union, who will mention how we met. Our first dance will be to "Computer Love". hehehe! He is still the same sweet man I talked to through this site. I thank you again. I would like to share my Blessing to all if given the opportunity!
***Update as of 7/11/10***
We are celebrating our year anniversary this weekend 7/11/10.
MrFixit3571 and ARadiantone