To say that we are happy is a major understatement.

One day I received a daily update that included a very attractive woman with a smile that could light up the universe. Her username was carmelocs and I was hooked from the moment I saw that smile. I sent her a smile sometime in January and prayed that I would not get the infamous "Thank you for the smile, but I don't think I am a good match for you." Fortunately, she responded that she was interested in talking to me as well. The first time I made contact with her was through the IM section of the website and we talked there for about two weeks. She told me that her name is Michele and she was moving on Valentine's Day to her new home. She told me that address, but I don't think she was expecting to see me on that day. I took a chance and surprised her at her new house with a red rose, a teddy bear, balloons, two cards(a Valentine's Day card and a new home card), and a Hershey's chocolate bar. We spent the day talking and moving things into her home and two days later, I helped her move the rest of her things in. She told me that we could take things one day at a time. I can tell you that this has been the best "one day at a time" I have ever had. I miss her when I am away from her and love holding her close when I am with her. Michele is very attractive, smart, funny, caring, and has a heart as big as all outside. We have learned so much about each other, shared our lives with each other, and grown as a couple. To say that we are happy is a major understatement. We have spent so much time laughing and learning from each other; it has been great each and every day and we pray it will only get better. On Thursday December 4, 2008, we became engaged and will be married on October 24, 2009. Thank you for helping us find each other.