He was my friend before he became my best friend.

ladeep & jama434

I first want to thank BlackSingles for their site. I posted my information on the site September 2006 and posted my pictures on the site December 2006. My screen name is ladeep, which is supposed to be pronounced ladee p, but I forgot to put a space after the last e and before the p; how irresponsible of me.(LOL) I was only on the site looking for friendships and WOW, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME:

Thanks to the site, I've met a WONDERFUL,GORGEOUS man back in November 2007, right before Thanksgiving.

I started sending smiles to this beautiful man and he responded. I then started sending cards and he also responded back with cards. He let me know that he checked out my profile and liked what he saw and read. I had already checked out his profile, of course, and then we started instant messaging each other. We then, after exchanging phone numbers, took our conversation(s) off the site. We spoke almost everyday, if not every other day. We emailed off the site and he web-cammed. We sent pictures via our cell phones, etc. I can honestly say that he was my friend before he became my best friend.

Due to the fact that I had called off an engagement prior to meeting Anthony, I truly thought that I was giving up on serious relationships for a long period of time, because the man that I was with before had really tried to hurt me. However, I AM A SURVIVOR and with the help of GOD, our father, I decided to move on.

Anyhow, the man that took my breath away, (literally), his screen name is jama434. After we had made plans about three or four times for him to come from Jamaica, New York to York, Pennsylvania, (where I reside)the plans kept falling through due to both of our work schedules. However, GOD finally blessed me with the honor of his presence yesterday, 1-6-07. He drove from NY to PA and he was here from a little after 4:30 p.m. to approximately 10:30 p.m. because he had to go back to NY to go to work. Was I ever blessed? It wasn't the quantity of time that we spent together, it was the quality of time.

I don't want to forget to give him his props. HE IS A WONDERFUL KISSER!(LOL) I feel as though I AM THE LUCKIEST WOMAN in the world!

I say this for several reasons. Some are: I never thought that I could have a SERIOUS relationship or feel SERIOUS feelings about someone younger then myself, (and I did/do). I am 39 and he is 33 years old. Anthony is a VERY MATURE MAN. We carried stimulating conversations for the hours that we spent together. We also talked about plans of him coming back to PA in about a week and a half, to spend the weekend. We talked and we both agreed that we do not want any more children (I have two and he has one).

I asked Anthony not to share this information, but it is to good to keep a secret. He actually had me crying ("tears of joy"). The anxiety that I was going through was/is gone. I have been carrying a weight on my shoulders and when Anthony came along, that weight (literally) was lifted.

I can say honestly that if nothing else serious comes out of this chance meeting, the friendship will continue forever and a day. Thank-You Black Singles for the opportunity to post a profile on your site and also thank you GOD for MY ANGEL!

I also want to say this, "Thank You Very Much BlackSingles.com and that I/we will keep you updated on any other changes that may proceed". I may be off the site within the next month or so (if not before). SMILING

May GOD continue blessing you all at the site and keep making love happen, even when people don't really happen to love.

ladeep AKA Phyllis H.

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