This is definitely a dream come true.

Unbelievable. Heaven Sent. Christ. Attraction. Communication. Honesty. Truth. Openness leads to Love.
God is Love. Love is God.
I never thought in a million years that I would fall in love with someone through a dating website. Not me. Well, it happened in late February of 2007 when I joined BlackSingles.
I had spent several days searching through hundreds of pictures of women. I also had reached a point of giving up. I must admit, I am very particular when it comes to dating and it's not that I consider myself a "winner", but I know what appeals to me. It was at this time of discontent when I received a card from "caliredno1".
I saw her picture and had a immediate attraction. She was a natural with a smile brighter than the sun. There was also simplicity and innocence in her eyes. There was nothing special about her profile, but it made me want to find out more about her. She was a mystery. Through "instant message", we typed for hours on end and I can't type. After a few weeks, we then began to communicate by phone and then we finally met. What else can I say...we are now engaged and will be married soon. I thank God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and BlackSingles. Artist423
***Updated 6/23/08***
I had flown from New York City to visit her and we just clicked. The only effort on either person’s part was the openness to learn, to love and to share. We visited art galleries, small cozy restaurants, coffee shops, and just simply talked. The first visit went so well, within a few weeks I made a second visit. Our times spent together were romantic, peaceful, and exciting.
When she came to New York City, we visited the Metropolitan Museum, enjoyed Madison Avenue,
walked along the streets of Soho, and gazed across the Hudson River from South Street Seaport. I told her she had to see Manhattan at sunset from the Brooklyn Bridge. In the beginning, she resisted due to being tired from the busy day.
As we walked up the bridge, she was in awe of its overwhelming presence. Once we reached the top, she found the view to be breathtaking. I then told her what happened to me on the bridge in February.
I was standing on the bridge late one cold snowy night, when an extremely large snow flake landed on my coat sleeve. I was amazed because it didn’t melt. So I froze it and put it in the freezer when I got home. I wanted to pick the perfect time to toss it into the river and today was that perfect day.
We listened to our favorite love ballads on the i-pod. She became impatient and wanted to see the snow flake. As I unzipped my bag, she asked, “Can you still see the design patterns in the snow flake?” I simply stated, “Yeah, but we need to stand under the light to get a better look”.
She stood with anticipation and excitement as I began removing it from my bag. I opened the black case and stated, “Here’s your snow flake.” Her eyes filled with tears as she gazed at her diamond engagement ring.
In the month of June, her father married us. She was heaven sent. Our marriage is full of affection, love, and abundant laughter. We thank God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and BlackSingles for bringing us together. This is definitely a dream come true. God is love. Love is God.
Thanks BlackSingles!
Artist423 and Caliredno1