Keyword Search

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Q. How do I perform a Keyword Search?

It’s easy! Think about what you’re really looking for in a person. Do you have a specific interest or hobby that you’re really passionate about (e.g. political cause, career, a band or art movement)? Is there a “type” of person you’re looking for (e.g. nurturing, sarcastic, loyal)? Try as many terms as you like, the search can go as deep as your imagination allows.

How to Keyword Search:

  1. Enter a term or phrase in the Keyword Search box.
  2. Enter your gender, the gender you’re looking to meet, and the age range you’d like to search. You can leave the “Age” setting in the “All” default setting to get the largest amount of search results. The “Near” setting selects the geographic area you’d like to search. You may enter any city, state, country or zip code.
  3. Click “Search” and see which profiles appear below the search box!

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Q. How do I perform a Keyword Search?