Once we receive your photos, it usually takes 24 - 48 hours for them to be approved and posted, so you may have to wait a day or two.
If it's already been that long, they may not be showing up for technical reasons, but this is easy to fix. See below for the problem that seems most like yours and then follow the simple steps. If you're still having trouble, feel free to call our Customer Care team at our toll-free number: 800-942-1495. If outside the U.S. and Canada, please contact our Beverly Hills Headquarters.
1. You can't see the new photos on your computer
This means you need to delete the old photos stored in your computer's temporary memory, called cache, to make room for new ones. (Why does this happen? Each time you visit a web page, the information is saved in the Temporary Internet File. Your computer keeps the old info so it can load this page faster the next time you visit it).
Deleting old photos from cache to make room for new ones is easy. Just print out and follow the steps below. When you’re done, you’ll be able to see the new photos currently on the site.
For Internet Explorer users:
- Click "Tools"
- Click "Internet Options"
- Go to the General tab
- Go to Temporary Internet Files and click "Delete
- Click "OK" and then "Exit"
- Check out your profile and see your new photos!
For Netscape users:
- Click "Edit"
- Click "Preferences"
- Click "Advanced"
- Click "Clear Memory Cache"
- Click "OK" and then exit
- Check out your profile and see your new photos!
For AOL users:
- Click "My AOL"
- Click "Preferences"
- Click "WWW"
- Click the General tab
- Go to Temporary Internet Files and click "Delete
- Click "OK" and then exit
- Check out your profile and see your new photos!
If you use AOL 5.0 and still can't see your photos:
- Click "Start" on the Task Bar
- Go to Programs and then to America Online
- Open AOL System Information and click the Utilities
- Click "Clear Browser Cache"
2. The new photos look out of focus or blurry on AOL
The new AOL web browser compresses the image files. This degrades the quality of your photos on your monitor. Fortunately, this setting can easily be changed. The images will load slower, but it's worth the wait.
Improve photo quality on AOL
- Click "My AOL"
- Click "Preferences"
- Click "WWW"
- Click the "Web Graphics" tab
- Uncheck the Use Compressed Graphics box
- Click "Apply"
- Clear your computer of your blurry photos by following the Updating
Your Computer steps above
- Check out your profile and see your new photos!
For further questions, please contact us at [email protected].